On the way to Hoggywarts

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Sif glowered, ever since the ball, she had had to have Frigga apply a wind charm to her room due to a mysterious odor, and no matter where she looked, she could not find the source, but, she was sure that Loki and Freya were behind it, possibly Harry too.


~And now~

Sif was still mad about her room; she had turned it upside down, and had yet to find the source of the mysterious offending odor in her room.

Several times, she had called in the maids and cleaning staff of the palace, and none had been able to find the source. Little did Sif know that the staff had been paid by Freya to ignore the bed itself. Needless to say, while there was, indeed, an odor, coming from Sif's room, no one could find the source, needless to say, many outside the palace heard about the shit smelling room of the palace, and some were questioning if Sif wasn't just looking for an excuse to blame Freya and Harry for the cause.

The palace guards were keeping a close eye on Sif, under orders by both the Allfather, and the queen, to make sure Sif couldn't get close to Harry again anytime soon. A fact that didn't slip Sif's notice, as the guards made no secret that they were watching her. Add to that, the number of people who were giving their support to Harry, Loki and Freya, caused Sif to be beyond enraged. Though the truly worst part of all of this, was that Thor was refusing to speak to her and seemed to be closer to Harry than ever before. He was accepting that mixed breed with open arms! Someone who should, by all rights, be an enemy of Asgard. It just wasn't right, but she would find a way to put things right one day. She also hated that every time she so much as LOOKED at Harry while Freya was around, Freya would utter some Midgardian term that sounded weird, the term she used went 'persona non grata', or something. Sif knew it was from an ancient Midgard language, but, she had always thought that realms cultures to be...barbarism at its finest, so she didn't pay any attention to its languages, seeing them as not worthy of being learnt.


Regardless of Sif's attempts to keep an eye on Harry, life more or less settled down for said boy and his friends. It was even decided that, in secret, Harry and his friends would be schooled in the ways of the court as well as be given combat training. Harry however, was also being given private lessons on princely duties and etiquette, things he would need to know when he was eventually revealed as a prince of Asgard, rather than just some noble's child. Loki had even taught Harry how to hide his Jotunn side. Though it was part of who Harry is both Loki and Harry knew that there would be those who would not react well to the sight of pale blue skin in Asgard. So whenever Harry went out to places where he would be seen by those that are not of Asgard, and harbor deep hatred of Jotunns, Harry would use his magic to hide that side of him. But as soon as he returned home he would cast off the illusion.


"Do I need to learn how to fight?" Harry asked as he looked at Loki, unsure if he heard his grandfather right.

Loki looked around one of his chambers and collected his thoughts for a moment before giving an answer.

"Yes, it is one of those things that everybody here knows to some extent, and as my grandson, and a Prince, even if not announced, you need to learn it," he said slowly, "But I can assure you that it won't be as disastrous as it was with Sif, as I know a certain person that will be a much better teacher for you than she could ever be."

"Who?" Harry asked, his voice laced with curiosity and some reluctant excitement. But Loki wasn't really surprised as he knew that Harry saw what Jarl was capable of, and kids wanted to be like someone that impressed them.

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