A look into things on Asgard

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While Harry left for Hogwarts, things on Asgard had changed a lot over the last six years. Thanks to Harry, Loki, Freya, and, indirectly, Darcy back on Midgard, Asgard had, gradually, accepted change. The citizens were happier, some even sang little self-made tunes to themselves as they did their work, many of the younger generations of Asgardians happily talked about how their respective trainings were going while others debated the pros and cons of magic in combat and everyday society, while more were leaning towards learning some magic, all of them were still a bit intimidated by the thought of learning magic from either Loki or Freya.

The ball that Freya and Harry had convinced Odin to throw had been such a success that it had been held every year since then, and became a new annual event that everyone looked forward to with great eagerness, inspiring tailors to make new clothes and designs, bards made new music using the music they had heard during the two parts of the ball for different and new music. Tales were spun about some of the people who danced, while others spoke of finding their love in a fantastical tale, earning them a smack to the back of their heads from their significant other. At the same time, the children and teens were thinking of the upcoming dance each year, and who they would ask to go with them. Needless to say, as bad as Odin felt about changes, he had to agree that the people of Asgard, did, indeed, seem to be happier for it.

Sif on the other hand, however, was slowly losing her mind, so many changes; kids having fun instead of training, Asgardians having dances and listening to music outside of festivals or celebrations, and more and more people accepting the half breed, all of this combined served to greatly annoy her. However, she did have a reprieve in that, apparently the little cretin was away on Midgard attending some school for magic. 'At least he had the smarts to take that 'beast' with him,' she thought to herself, referring to the 'pet'/'familiar', that Harry had acquired roughly three years previously.


~Flash back 3 years earlier~

In Asgard's past, there had been warriors who were, in short, big game hunters, or at least challenge seekers, and some had encountered a beast in the far southern hemisphere of Midgard that had long fangs and was feline in species, being the thrill seekers they were, they transplanted some to Asgard. Since then, they had become a native species of Asgard, quickly finding their niche to survive.

Harry had slipped away from his studies one afternoon, wanting to take a break but not sure how to go about asking Loki for one. So, while Loki was busy talking to someone outside the room they were using that day for studies, Harry had slipped out the window and ran as fast as he could before Loki would return and find him gone. He headed right for the nearby forest, wanting to buy himself some time before someone would track him down. Sure, he knew the forest could be dangerous for someone his age and skill level, especially alone like he was, but as long as he stayed close to the edge he should be alright.

Walking along the edge of the forest, Harry had enjoyed the warmth of the day and the fresh air. Knowing that at any moment a guard, or Loki, or even Thor, could show up to take him back to his studies. Harry wondered for a moment what his friends were doing at that time. Volstagg had taken them for training while Loki insisted that Harry needed to focus today on learning his princely duties for the future. Loki had assured Harry that his friends would learn the ways of the royal court as well; however, as his friends were training to be his future body guards, they did need to learn more about combat and defense at this point of their lives. Seemed Loki was thinking about revealing Harry's royal blood to the people of Asgard soon, but not for some years to come just yet. "I want you to at least be closer to manhood before this happens," Loki had told him.

A soft mew broke Harry out of his thoughts and Harry looked for the source of the sound. He knew the sound was a cat of some sort, and he had grown to love cats over the years. However Loki had been very against getting Harry a cat when he'd brought it up, saying it wasn't the right time for Harry to have a pet, or something along the lines of a cat not being a very princely pet. Harry also knew that the forest was no place for a cat, as there are many beasts that would love to prey on any helpless cats around. Spotting movement in a bush a little further in, Harry walked over to the bush and peered through the leaves. Inside was a very tiny kitten with two long fangs looking up at him, meowing softly as it lifted its paw up towards Harry.

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