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Hi, I'm Peter Parker. More comely known at SI as the 'boss man's Intern' or 'the kid'. I'm at the tower every day after school and most of the weekend. Whether I'm helping Mr. Stark in his lab, Dr. Banner with some calculations, Traning with Aunty Nat and Mr. Rogers, or just running around making trouble with the rest of the Avengers.

Oh and Did I mention that I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?

But this isn't my story. it's my little sister's!

Meet Olivia Parker. Though I call her my little sister, she is only 20 minutes younger than me, but I rub those precious 20 minutes in her face any chance that I get.

It's easy to see we're related. We have the same curly brown hair, (though hers goes a little past her shoulders), And we have the same big brown Eyes.

We both go to Midtown high, but I'm in the normal or advanced classes where Olivia is in special needs. She was diagnosed with autism when we were 2 and a half. Our parents grew concerned when I wouldn't stop talking unless I was asleep and Olivia was still nonverbal. So they got her tested.

Aunt May tries not to treat us differently but after an incident in the 3rd grade that ended with 3 stitches on Olivia's forehead, she became slightly overprotective towards her.

Aunt May tries to limit the people who know Olivia. So it was a big surprise to the Avengers (except for Tony and Pepper) when my sister and I came to live at the tower for a few months.


3rd person pov

The whole team was enjoying their evening. Bucky was baking and talking to Steve, Bruce and Nat were reading books, and everyone else was watching some Disney movie for the hundredth time when Tony stepped out of the Elevator. "Pete's aunt hottie is going on a work trip, something about kids in Africa, so he will be staying with us for a few months starting tomorrow morning." A round of 'sounds fun' and 'we get the kid to ourselves' went around the room.

A/N) Thank you for clicking on my story.

so this is my first story so apologies in advance for miss spelling and grammar problems.

I wanted to read a story with a twin sister for Peter but I couldn't find what I was looking for. So I'm writing my own.

Peter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now