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Chapter 7

A/N) I’m just going to do a large time skip because I feel like it. And writers block and a cold throw me off.

Over the weekend I started to talk with a few of the avengers. I talked with Dr. Banner about the in building clinic. I got to touch all the cool equipment. They had proper medical tape and Iv polls. It was so cool. I also spent some time watching Peter train with some of the heroes. Ms. Black Widow asked me if I wanted to train as well. After an awkward conversation about how I don’t really know how to do, like any self defiance she insisted on training me how to atleast protect myself. 

(Monday morning)                                                                                                                              The familiar sound of my alarm rudely awakened me from my dream. Groning I rolled out of bed.  

A small smile formed on my face as the feeling of fermilority spread through the room. My brother was still fast asleep, half of his bedding on the floor. His spidey suit draped lazaly across the back of his chair. “Just like home.” I do my morning routine. A quick shawer, brush teeth and hair and change into my clothes. Just like always Peter doesn't awaken by his alarms.

 With a not so gentle nudge from me, Peter starts his fantic running around for school. I giggle at him as he is shoving homework into his bag. “

You could start waking me up before there is 10 minutes left to leave." He grumbled. Peter pulled on the first shirt his hand touched, which just so happened to be an Iron-Man shirt. 

"Happy is waiting for the 2 of you. Boss is insisted that he drive you to school." With that me and my brother rush to the elevator waving bye at the Avengers. 

After a 15 minute drive Happy drops us off in front of the all to familiar biliding. "Bye, Happy. Thanks for the ride." Me and Peter said as we hoped out of the car. Pete made a b line for his friends who were on the stairs waiting for him. I pull up the hood of my hoodie, take a deep breath and make my way to My class.

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