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I'm still not quite sure what we are doing, but I follow Mr. Stark to his lab. He strides over to a large desk overlooking the lab. As he approached a holo projection screen popped up around the desk with articles on sensory swings.

I just stood there in confusion and aw as he worked. More and more holo screens were surrounding the desk. Things from fidget toys and sound-canceling earphones to weighted blankets. My curiosity increases with each thing. What in the world is he trying to do?

I was probably standing there while he worked for an hour or so when he called me over to the desk. "Take a look at this. It's going to be a portable sensory suit." I looked at the blueprint for this thing that Mr. Stark was talking about. At first glance, it was a large hoodie. I mean I like hoodies as much as the next Nero-divergent person, but what does this have to do with sensory swings? It was only when I took a second glance that I realized the amount of technology he wanted to stuff inside the seemingly normal article of clothing.

"Um, what will it do?" I can see the large amount of teck but..." I trailed off hoping he would just answer instead of me making me finish my line of thought.

"This will be a weighted hoodie where you can control the weight of it. It will also have a sound-canceling field around the user, that can be adjusted of course. And a few other things as well. Like built-in fidget toys, sound system, AI, stuff like that." Mr. Stark said, answering my question. That actually seems pretty cool ... Wait, did he say AI? "Uhhhh, cool?" I said it more of a question than I intended, earning a questioning glance from the man in front of me. "Ok then let's get started, shall we? Friday activate the kid's arts and crafts table," he called out to his AI and a large cube-like table unfolded from the ground.

"You want me to help?" I said quietly though he heard it non the less. "Overcome. This thing is going to be for you, so you are going to help make it." Mr. Stark said as if it was obvious. The only other person who wanted me to help with things was Peter.

My entire being lit up with excitement as I made my way over to the craft table. The blueprint hologram appeared in front of me as Mr. Stark came over with some tools and materials, placing them on the table.

We got to work immediately. It was hours later when we finally decided to call it a night and get back to it in the morning. I made my way back to my shared room with a smile on my face. Though the events of this evening was a surprise I really enjoyed it. When I entered the room there was a note on my bed. Knowing that it was most likely from Peter I picked it up and read

I am out spidermaning. I'll be back late. Hope you had fun doing whatever it was you were doing today. I know I did. I got to work on a project with Ned and MJ. you still need to meet her. She is really cool and smart, you will like her. Anyway, get some rest.

Love from your older brother.

I went to bed after doing all the necessary before-bed rituals. Drifting off to sleep excited for the next day.


Tony's POV.

Ok so maybe the whole hoodie thing is an excuse to spend time with the kid and get her to trust me more, but the smile on her face reminded me of the first project I did with Pete.

Those kids are going to be the death of me. but that's a kind of death I'm ok with. Man, if dad could see me now. being a guardian for not just one but two miners. I know that they are technically not my kids but I will be damned if I don't try to be the best father figure I can be for their sake.

A/N) I'm trying to write as much as I can while I have the inspiration to do so. Hope you enjoyed it.

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