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Olivia's POV

Lunch was right around the corner.

So much has changed within a 12 hour spaned., it's starting to make me freak out. I'm not in my room in my house with my Aunt. but instead, I'm in a new room in a new place with a lot of new places. I have had 3 months to prepare myself for this, but I don't think it was enough. I'm pacing this strange room scratching at my skin, I start thinking about when Aunt May and Peter told me about the change.

3 months earlier

I'm sitting on my bed with my homework. It was summer so I was doing assignments from last year that I have already done, but it was Tuesday evening which means I'm studying history.

Peter was out Spider-Man-ing and Aunt May was cooking in the kitchen. The day was perfectly normal, I wouldn't have known anything was wrong except when May came to get me for dinner she brought me my weighted hoodie and a fidget cube. We were sitting at the table for 15 minutes in awkward silence, till I finally decided to confront them on the matter.

"Is everything alright? You have been acting odd." they exchanged worried glances before Peter let out a shaky sigh.

"There is going to be a big change in about 3 months."

all I heard was "big change"

"Well, you know how I work with a charity to help feed people? Well, they are giving me a chance to take a nine month trip to help set up a drinking water system in one of the villages." Aunt May explained.

"You are leaving? What's going to happen to me and Pete? We need to do homework."

I'm rocking aggressively in my chair, I'm pulling at my hair. Why? Why do things need to change?

I hear Peter's voice but I can't make out the words. All I can think is, May going, we staying. Separated, change? Peter? Me? I couldn't get my mind straight. What made it worse I know I was overreacting, but I just couldn't stop my brain.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I yanked my head to the side seeing Peter there. He wrapped his arms around me. "It's ok. Shh. nothing is changing now, we just thought it would be a good idea to tell you. Like, so you can prepare yourself." I got a hold of my breathing and Peter slowly let go.

Aunt May was still sitting in her seat. She looked at us, her eyes filled with guilt. she knows I only let Peter touch me without asking. It's not that I don't love her, it's just that Peter is a vary touchy person so he has been hugging me on a daily basis since I was born so I can handle his touch.

"Do you think you can handle more information, or do you want to stop?" Aunt May asked? I don't want to have 2 nights of panic attacks, but I have no clue if I can handle more. I looked at her then at my brother, they both had faces that were full of apology and understandment. For others that might have made them feel loved, but it just reminded me how different I was. I hated being different, and being a burden on the only 2 people I love, straightening my posture and mentaly preparing myself, I nod my head.

"I'm ok. I can handle it. You were saying?" Aunt May smiled at me sweetly. Peter on the other hand pursed his lips together making a line. He could always tell what I was feeling. Which sometimes was great, especially when I couldn't express it, other times like now it was just annoying.

"Well Mr. Stark said we could stay with him and the avengers at the tower. Aunt May already talked to him, and we can share a room just like we do here." oh crap. I wasn't expecting anything like that. Staying somewhere else? I haven't even had a sleepover yet. But I'll still be in a room with Peter, and he likes these people. They know he is Spider-man and he spends most of his time over there. I want to know what he does there.

May: "-livia?"

"I'm not freaking out, I'm good!" I said a little too fast to be believable.

Trying to change the subject before they can ask me if I'm ok again, I say "Do you think I would have a chance to see their injuries to analyze?"

Peter lets out a small happy gigale. "Is that all you think about, cuts and bruises? We are going to be there for a while and they are superheroes so probably. And if you make friends with them they might even let you fix them.''

Just like that all the fear and anxiety was forgotten temporarily, at the opportunity to talk about my hypothesis on what different types of injuries I think each hero would mostly get.

Though the next three months Peter and May helped me get ready. They even got me new compression undergarments for school. School started 2 and a half months later which meant 2 weeks before Aunt May left for her trip. Every time I would start getting overwhelmed Peter would just start talking about one of the Avengers recent injuries. By the time the night before came around I thought I was prepared for this new adventure.

Present time

Man how I wish I had the confidence I did last night.

"Ms. Olivia, Lunch is ready." Friday called.

I took a deep breath and went to leave the safety of this room that I will be living in for the next 9 months. "Their injuries better be as cool as Peter says they are,"

Yes, I finally got around to writing the next part. Go me!

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