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By the time I made it to class the whole school know about the isident, though classes were just as they were before, long and boring. Nothing out of the normal happened, wich I'm grateful for.

Following the same pattern as always I made my way to the table in the corner, though as I sat down and started eating the sorry excuse for food our government feeds us highschoolers, a silence took over the cafeteria.

Glancing up I could see Flash Thompson stomping towards me. Peter and Ned looked terrified for my life as MJ looked as though she was interested in said situation.

"Hey girl Parker!" Flash shouted. "You think you'll all high and might becouse that man hore of a brother of you shucked some guys dick and got IronMan to pretended to care about you." 

"Umm, do you really think that Tony Stark can be bought with a blow Job from a teenager? Because I doubt that an Avenger would be that cheap."

There was a few giggles through the large room. Though Flash looked as though this is the first time someone talked back to him. With wouldn’t be surprising "Look here you bitch, obviously some one needs to put you in your place. I know your in the idiot class so I'll say this in a language you understand," he leans on the table getting closer to my face, lowering his voice to a whisper. "I'm the king of this place and if you cross me again," He drags his index finger across his throat "your dead."

There was a tap on Flash'es shoulder redirecting his attention. "Hey. Flash! I said don't mess with my sister." Just like that Peter flat out punched Flash in the nose. The three pepole who know Peter knew he was holding back, like by a lot, but it still caused Flash to go stumbling back. "What the Fu.."  Peter strated himself out, and pretended to hold his fist as if it was injured. "You can push me around, cause bodily injuries and call me all sorts of ridiculous names but you threaten Olivia and I'm not going to play games anymore."  Evreyone seemed to be in shock as there wasn't a single word said with in that room. Thought that quiet was short lived as a shrill from a teacher screamed out "the three of you to the principal's office."


Now we are sittung in the hall to the principal's office as we wait for our gardeans to appear. Flash had this smug look on his face though I couldn't tell why.

Little time passed before his mother came  down the school halls. Her walk was one of power. She didn't even look at us over on the bench, but instead wallets into the principals office.

Yelling could be heard from behind the door, mostly  from Mrs. Thompson. But all of the noise of the school went quite, when Mr. Stark's presents could be felt.

"I got a call that the two of you were fighting, what's going..." the principal stupidly interrupted " Peter punched Flash and hear at Midtown high we do not condone bullying." I could see Peter bunch up his fist in eratashion. "One, I didn't ask you. Two, no one interrupts me. And three, Peter is no bully and if he hit a kid, he had it coming."

"Are you saying my baby deserved to be publicly injured Mr. Stark. I would think that an Avenger would try to pretect an inacent. And where is these kids parents you have no right to interfere with this kind of thing."

"Peter and Olivia Parker our my kids. As of yesterday, Legally I have partial custody of the two. So I have every right to be hear."

Peter and I shared a look of confusion. Stark has custody of us?

"So kid what happened?" Mr. Stark asked re addressing Peter.

"Nothing serious, I tried to deal with it in a civil way but Liv decided to start medaling with the situation. So Flash went after her because she doesn't do submission to almost anyone." "Which is a good thing." Mr. Stark added giving me a smirk. "Agreed but still," Peter continued "Flash was thretning her, and because I warned him this morning I punched him." My big brother finished explaining as the adults listened.

Mr. Stark straightened up turning to the others. "Ok, I'm leaving now because I can. If I find out my kids our punished for this I'm going to do - to do, to do something that I will come up with latter. See you at home" Mr. Stark left without another word leaving evreyone speechless.

Both me and Peter where let off the hook, though sadly so was Flash but you can't have everything right. But because the current classes were about to end we were told to just wait.

"I can't belive you would do something like this Olivia." We were alone in the hallways now. "All I want is to make sure you are safe, yet you do stupid things like challeng Flash. Everything was under control, and it would have stayed that way if you didn't meddle in something that wasn't any of your business. Why do you have to make everything so complicated!" Peter yelled out. My eyes started watering and I ran. I ran into the girls bathroom and just sat there till the final bell rang.

A/N) sorry for the wait, my bestfriend came and spent two weeks with me as we haven't seen each other in 2 years.

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