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Tony's POV

It has been a week since Olivia's ASD meltdown, and she has been acting differently, not in a bad way but different nonetheless. She has been more outgoing, she has been joining us for things and has been participating in conversations. According to Friday, she has been having anxiety attacks before she spends time with people, and more times than not she will dismis herself to the bathroom to have a panic attack before coming back to the group. Then she would spend the evening in a sensory burnout.

"Tony, are you even listening?" Pepper asks obviously irritated. We are in a meeting discussing this month's overview of SI and as the owner of the company I'm supposed to be included, but this is boring and I could care less. "Of course, I am sweetheart," I state, while I flashed her a smile. She groans in frustration before she continues her presentation, and I go back to ignoring her.

By the time the meeting had come to a close, I'd gone through every possibility on how to help my girl with her anxiety. I want her to continue trying, but I don't want her to surfer. The other Members of the board had left the room leaving me and Pepper alone. "So," she started as she sat down on my lap. "You were thinking loudly but we both know you weren't paying attention to the meeting. So," She trails off waiting for my answer.

I let my head fall backward looking up at the sealing. "I was thinking of Olivia. She has been trying so hard to be a part of the group, but it has been very taxing on her mental health." I feel my long-term girlfriend watching me as I talk about my thoughts.

"I want to help, but I know that I won't be able to do much for her." I have already decided what I'm going to do, and me being me, means I'm going to act on it. "I'm going to get her a service dog," I state.

I look down at the woman sitting on my lap. She seems to consider my intended actions. "How do you think the others will react to you adding a dog to the family?"

"I don't really care, they will get over it." She chuckles a bit before getting off me. "I guess we have some research to do." And with that, she left the meeting room.


Pepper and I have spent the last few days trying to find a company that provides a dog that specializes in ASD symptom management. We found a facility that provides what we were looking for and with the approval from May, we got Oliva registered as a recipient of a service animal.

Because I'm me the acceptance email had come in at an incredible speed, as I might have mentioned that if they got me a dog I'd make a generous donation. So I got an email from the service animal place that they have a dog that they think would be a good match for Olivia, and an interview between the two of them is being set up for a few days from now, and if they click she will have to go through a 10 day training period to get them both used to being a team. Then we have to introduce the dog to the rest of the Avengers, as it will be living with us.

All of this is going to take more time than I would like, but it's going faster than it would go for literally anyone else, and I would rather they do it right than do it fast.

So when I picked up the kids from school, I told both of them about getting Livi a dog. She was confused but quite excited. Peter on the other hand was purely excited, apparently the two of them have wanted a pet since they were little but their uncle Ben was allergic to both cats and dogs.

Olivia's POV

I have been hanging out with Austin the last week during the school day. I'm not sure why but he has been hanging around me more, and because I'm trying to be more brave I've been trying to be more social.

Anyway, the final bell had rang dismissing us for the day, and Austin and I were walking towards the exit ready to go home. I listened to him talk about this new video game he was playing, as we walked out the door. The site before us made us stop in our tracks, along with the majority of the school. There, parked at the front of the school in the no-parking zone is an orange-ish-yellow sports car. Peter comes up beside me, and we exchange looks, as we both know who that car belongs to, and this isn't going to end well.

The window of the car rolled down revealing none other than Tony Stark himself. "Hey kiddos, you ready to go?" Both Peters and my face turn various shades of red. My brother started towards the car. I turn towards my friend, "Um, I have to go home now. Uh, bye." Austin looked confused but said bye back before I ran off towards the awaiting billionaire.

Me and Peter slid into the car, still looking very embarrassed. looking through the review mirror I can see a malicious smile on Mr. Stark's face. "How was school you two?" He asks trying to sound innocent. My brother got over his embarrassment quickly and started talking about his day, leaving out the part of Flash punching him in the gut at lunch.

"Sounds exstrimly boring. Anyway, I was talking with your Aunt and she agreed to let me get you, Olivia, A service Dog." a moment of silence passed before both Peter and I shouted, "WHAT?!"

Mr.Stark explained that both he and Mrs. Potts thought that A service animal would help with my anxiety and panic attacks, along with some other symptoms I have because of my autism. To say that me and petter were excited would have been an understatement. we have both wanted a pet for the longest time, but Uncale Ben was allergic to cats and dogs and after his death, we had thought it would be too soon to get a pet.

Mr. Stark told us how he bribed the facility to make me a priority, how it would normally take over a year, and how my application only took a couple of days to be processed. Apparently because of his 'persuasion', I have an interview with my potential partner. To say this is moving fast is putting it lightly, but the more I get to know the Avengers, I'm pretty sure that's the only way they know how to operate. Oh well, I get a dog out of it, so I'll get over it.

A/N) Hi all. Thank you for your patience. I'm trying to get more of the story written, but as I backread making sure the story isn't contradicting itself  I realized that the story has a lot of unfinished side quests so I'm working on clearing those up. 

Also a shout-out to midnight_phantomjoy for the suggestion of the service dog idea. I'm not sure what I'm going to name the dog yet but I'm already working on the next chapter where the two of them will meet.

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