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Olivia's POV

I was unable to go to sleep. I just laid their eyes open, staring at the sealing. I heard Peter enter through the window late into the night. He moved through the room effortlessly, changing into comfortable clothes, and placing his bookbag where he could easily find it. His presence makes me relax. I miss him. I know I see him all the time but it hasn't been the same. He is spiderman and a Stark intern. He has friends who love him and who will protect him. It used to be us against the world but now he doesn't need his twin sister anymore. He has a life ahead of him, and I'm happy for him.

"Your still awake, aren't you?" the voice of my brother caught me off, guard. "Your thinking loudly. What's up?" I turn on my side, facing him. "Just some stuff it's not important." I try to blow it off but of course, he saw through me. "Yeah right. your 'not important' could easily be life threatening. Remiber a few years ago when you stoped eating for a few months and anytime May or I ask if you where ok you would say 'its nothing important'. You don't get to say that. Now, whats whong."

I let out a breath that I didnt know i was holding. "I fell useless. I feel as though I don't have a purpose anymore. I can't do anything for you or May or Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts. I can't help"

"Yeah I get that. Not that it true, but I understand feeling that way. I mean I became a superhero because I though I wasn't helping enough. You being here when I get home is more help then you know. And you helped Aunt May cook and clean and do house stuff all the time. I'm not sure how you can help Mom- Ms. Peper and Mr. Stark but you always fined away." he lets out a sigh before continuing. "Do you even know what you want to do when we grow up? You spend so much time helping others do you ever consider what you want to do?"

This is a little more of a conversation that I wanted to have but knowing Peter he wont let me drop it. He is always so stubborn when it comes to me. Though i don't really know how to answer that. I mean of course i have things that I know i don't want to do, but when it comes to something I want to do I draw a blank.

"I guess i'm not really sure. I like medicine but not enough to make it my life. And I don't like going to Mays charity events, even though I like helping people. I want to get married and have kids, but thats not really a career."

"Yes it is. It's not as recognized as it once was but housewife and stay at home mom is real jobs. And if that is what you want then do that even if others say it not a job. You don't need to please and help everyone Liv, just be you."

Peter's words hit harder than I though they would. I mean ever since I saw a baby for the first time I've wanted one for my own. And I've wanted a spouse to love and take care of. But I was told when I was little that that wasn't a real job. And here is my brother just chucking it out our window.

"You- you really think thats something I can do?"

"Ofcourse!" Peter lit up and became his usawhle bouncy self. " I mean you are going to need to find a good partner, but yeah thats totally something you can do. You would make an awesome mom."

We spent a good amount of time talking about motherhood. Peter was vary supportive of everything. It was really fun and the more we talked about it the more it became something I wanted to do with my life.

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