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Peter's POV

I can't wait to start this project. Mr. Barton needs an upgrade. The bow me and da- Mr. Stark and I design should be able to do all the new trick shots he has been making lately. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my stomach grumbling. 

'Oh yeah, I forgot to eat before we left again didn't I? I know Livi ate 'cause I saw her with an apple when we left. Ok, a quick detour.' I thought to myself as I switched my path to the kitchen.

Everyone was in the kitchen at this point, talking to each other. "So that Girl, Olivia, is Peter's twin sister? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?" I heard Mr. Rogers ask. 

I might as well go and answer their questions before they decide to bombard Livi with them. 

Ugh, I'm never getting to my, I mean hawkeye's bow. 

"Hey guys I supposed I owe you guys a longer explanation than 'hey this is my sister.'" I walk up to the group and stand in front. "So does anyone have questions?" 

"You have never mentioned that you had any siblings." Aunty Nat more stated than asked, but her eyebrow was raised so I'm guessing she wants me to elaborate. 

"Yeah I know, Aunt May doesn't like a lot of people knowing about Livi. See Olivia is autistic, so she gets overstimulated easily, especially around new people. But she is really cool once you get to know her. Anyway, Olivia is my younger twin sister. She goes to midtown with me but she is in SP classes. Ned and Mj know about her, though only Ned haactuallyly met her. She has always known that I'm Spider-Man. She also helps me with first aid. She is really good at stitches, and-" 

"Ok kid I think they get the Idea." Mr. Stark says cutting me off. Rude.

"Why would your Aunt want to hide your artistic sister? That doesn't make much sense. Art is a noble endeavor."

"Autistic Thor, not artistic." Mr. Banner sighed. "One is a mental condition, the other uses pretty colors."

Mr. Banner tried to help Thor understand, so I took the opportunity to grab one of Buky's homemade muffins from the pleat that was sitting proudly on the kitchen island.

Questions started up again. some that were to get to know her a bit more like 'what does she like to eat.' and 'on a scale to 1 to 10, 10 being she doesn't talk and has a panic attack every time something is out of place, And 1 being rocking back and forth when you talk to her, where does she land'. 

And comments like, 'I'm still confused what this form of art is, and 'Clint you can't ask questions like that!'. 

Mom, I mean Ms. Pepper. I really need to get this mom and dad thing under wreps before I stop only slipping up in my head. Anyway, Ms. Pepper helped me answer all the questions, and in the end, everyone just decided they would get to know Olivia a bit more on their own.

After about an hour I finally got to the lab with da- Mr. stark. 

At this point it's already 12:30. Lunch will be here in an hour, as we all diced on getting Pizza. 

"Peter, Olivia seems to be pacing around on the furnisher while listing different types of scraps. Is this a need for concern?" FRIDAY asked with her voice laced with concern. 

"There's no need to be concerned, Friday. That's just something she does to keep herself stimulated. It's perfectly normal." 

A/N) Chapter 4 is done. If you count 604 words a chapter

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