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Olivia's POV

I ran out of the cafeteria as fast as I could, in a desperate attempt to escape. Any onlooker would assume I was trying to escape the villain my brother was currently fighting. How I wish that was the case. The reality was I was having a scenery overload, the worst I've had in years.

Everything was just too much. From the sound of the electricity flowing through the walls to every little fiber of clothing that touched my body.

I'm not exactly sure where I was as I wasn't paying attention to where I was running, and outside of the path to my classroom and lunch, I have little knowledge of the layout of this building I spend most of my time in. This only made the situation worse.

I started pacing the empty corridor I found myself in. trying to get a hold of myself. Everything was blaring in my mind, all the things that my brain would block out were screaming at full volume, nothing being less important than the other. Scratching at my skin trying so desperately to remove the intense feeling. Making random noises trying my hardest to block out the subtle sounds the quiet held, the drum of my heart pounding adding to the discord. Time moved so fast yet not all.

------Tony's POV -------

I was in my lab working on the AI for Olivia when I got a notification from Peter's AI Karen.

Proticall baby monitor activated. A villain is attacking midtown high. Civilians present.

my heart stopped as I read the message. Someone is targeting a bunch of kids? Do they know Peter's identity? With no hesitation I rushed out of the lab calling my armor to me. Taking flight I fly as fast as I could to the school. 

Peter fighting bad guys is normal, but that friend of Pete modified MY ai so it would only alert me when the kid was desperate and worried. Just hang in there kid, I'm on my way.


As I approached the building I saw a dark figure ascending on a ladder into a helicopter hovering above, zooming off as soon as the person was safely inside. Spider-Man was standing on the roof staring after the diapering aircraft. Landing in front of the boy I gave him once over, looking for any serious injuries he looked fine?

Landing, I step out of my suit detecting no other threat. "Kid I got a..." before I could even question him, I was interpreted by Peter takaling me in a hug, squeezing tightly around me as if I would disappear. I returned the hug trying to comfort the boy but broke it off quickly, needing answers for the alert. He looked up at me, and I felt like something was off. His mask was still on so I wasn't able to read his emotions, but he would never hug me as Spider-Man. Something is definitely wrong. "What's going on Peter? Is everything okay?"

"He had Olivia. He grabbed her and I couldn't do anything. It was really scary. She was screaming. She fought back though and ran off." he said sniffing, trying not to start crying. He hurt Olivia as well?! I'm not sure who this guy is but he is going to pay for hurting my kids. "I'll go find her, you go get changed, and back so nobody gets any suspicions. The school should have been evacuated so everyone should be near the entrance. I'll contact you once I find her. Ok?" he gave a quick nod before hopping through a hole and running off after grabbing his bag.

Putting the IronMan suit back on I make my way into the school the same way Peter did moments before. "FRIDAY, besides Peter, is there anyone else in the building?" I have a feeling she is still in the building. She wouldn't head towards more people even if it meant out. "There seems to be someone on the other side of the building. There is a large possibility that it is Olivia."

It only took a few minutes of searching when I heard her. She was making sounds that sound like an assortment of different noises that were incoherent. Speeding up I turned a corner seeing the girl, pacing back and forth frantically rocking her body as she moved. She was scratching her arms and neck, blood was starting to appear from the places she was digging into. On second look her clothes were torn, though it looked like she did it herself.

Disabling my suit once again I advance "Olivia?" I tried to get her attention without scaring her but as soon as I said that she jumped. She looked up at me, tears running down her cheeks. Her face showed just how scared and overwhelmed she was. I want, no, need to help her. "Listen to me kid, you need to breathe. Can you do that, just follow me."

I feel like an idiot though it seems to be helping. "You are going to be ok, you just need to calm down." I made my way closer to her. Not daring to touch her as that seems to be the biggest thing bothering her.

"Can you count down from ten with me?" no response though I start anyway. "10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7" she joined in on 7, smiling in triumph as we continued. " 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1" she took a deep breath in as she finished counting. She is still scratching at her skin but it's a step in the right direction.

"Olivia you need to stop scratching, you are bleeding now." she looks down at her arm staring at the crimson liquid with a confused look. "It won't stop. My skin feels like a swarm of ants. There is too much noise, yet not enough." she started trying to express what was wrong. "Well where is your bag that has your headphones in it right? And a shower should help with your skin." she gave a shaky nod. "Come on, let's get you back to the SI and there you'll have all your things ok?" she nodes once again and we walk together towards the entrance.

"FRIDAY send mk 42 to Olivia's class and get her bag." with that my suit flew off meeting us at the double glass doors of the school. Peter ran up to the two of us engulfing his sister in a hug. Ned and MJ walked over to come check on the two of them. It wasn't long before I got a car to come pick me and my kids up. Though as we were leaving we were serenaded by a croud made up of news reporters.

Olivia clings to the back of my shirt the same way she did with Peter when she first came to the tower. My heart was bubbling at this though I will never admit it. I was able to hide the faces of the kids from the cameras as I ushered them into the waiting car.

People have already been suspicious about me having a kid because of my outings with Peter and this is not going to help. Though I can't bring myself to care. I just want to get home and make sure my girl is ok. 

A/N) ughhhhh, I still have no really idea where the plot is going. I'm open to ideas! any way there is 400 of you guys now! I really want to hear your thoughts so far.

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