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by the time we returned from girl's day, Peter had left for portal. All the Avengers were back from whatever they did during the day, so the common room was loud. Between the conversations, the TV, and the bickering going on in the room it seemed as though the sound was bouncing off the walls and shooting straight at me like an arrow. every sound was just as loud and present in my head. The clothes that I am wearing start to bother me. I can feel every difference in texture. I can feel the clothes sitting upon every hair follicle, rubbing against them. my heart starts quickening, I can't seem to catch my breath. I know that I'm moving forward but it doesn't feel like me. it feels like I'm trapped in my body instead of being a part of it. each step doesn't feel like mine. 'I need to get to my room' is the only thought through my head. there are too many imputs coming in.

then it happened. I was stopped in my tracks by Mr. Thor. he started talking but I couldn't hear the words. I could hear the sound but I couldn't make out anything coherent.

The migraine started, and my musicals tightened. My vision is blurred, and the headache isn't helping. and now my shortness of breath is quickly becoming hyperventilating.

Just like with a bottle of soda that has been shaken, I am about to explode, if something causes me to open my cap. and similar to a soda bottle I know if I just let the bubbles die down and be absorbed then I'll be fine. But I can't get to my room I can't shut off my brain. And I'm going to explode.

Tony's POV

The girls got back from their day out. Liv looked a little worse for wear, but otherwise, she looked fine. Pepper headed straight to our room putting stuff away. She wasn't gone for 5 minutes when I got a text summoning me to the bedroom, but not in the fun way.

She was passing back and forth. and her typically confident-looking face morphed into worry and concern.

"What's wrong Pep? What happened?" She took a deep breath and faced me, speeding herself on her feet. I have only seen her like this when I'm about to leave for something dangerous.

"Olivia almost had a breakdown today. It started at the salon. She stopped talking and was rocking back and forth. and when we walking she started to breathe really fast and ..."

Crashes and bangs cut her off. It came from the common room. As normal as that usually is, the Crashes continued and all of the other noises of the Avengers' common space stopped.

I darted toward the sound expecting a villain or something. when I got to the end of the hall, Point Break was blocking my way.

"What's going on?" he turned to tell me, and that's when I saw her. standing in the middle of the room.

Her eyes are squeezed shut. there is glass around her, scratches down her skin. some were from the glass shards but most of them were from her, digging her nails into herself scratching furiously. With the hand that wasn't causing gaping wounds in her skin, she was flinging anything that was in her path. her screams of frustration came out as nothing.

No one was moving. everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do. I know I have to do something but I'm used to people trying to kill me, not a teenage girl who lost her grasp on reality for a moment.

Taking a deep breath I enter the fray. I walk out in front of her. Her eyes shot open and that's when she tried to attack. she lunged at me and made her claws at my face. I dug and she flopped and flared on the ground.

"Olivia you need to snap out of it." She stopped moving and just lay there for a hot second. then she curled up into a ball her eyes squeezed shut again, palms over her ears, and fingers grasping and pulling at her hair. her screams were still quiet but now they could be heard. I sat next to her, not daring to touch her.

"You have surely made a mess of things Liv. And you did a good deal of damage. I mean really only to yourself but you know details." I look around her and she is curled into a pile of glass and shards. I let out a sigh.

"Olivia we need to relocate. You are currently lying in glass." I'm not sure she heard me but if Pete is the one to bring her out of these things then I can only guess it involves a lot of talking.

"I mean it's a bad idea to wolo in glass. I mean I guess whatever floats your boat I guess." Pepper can and sat with us as well. the others were still standing there off to the edge. I'm Glad that they didn't try to help because I think the more people the worse it's going to get.

Olivia stoped her quiet skreams. Her hands were still over her ears and her eyes were still squeezed shut. "We are just going to sit here with you Olivia until you start to feel better. " Peper started her comforting words.

it took a while but she came around. eventually, she was sitting with us, (still in the glass but oh well.) she was still rocking back and forth in her spot. She was still griping at her hair, which isn't great but it seemed to be doing less harm than the scratching. It took about an hour and 45 minutes but she got to a point where we could get her off the floor and to the med lab.

she was still non-verbal, and stimming. Pepper and I got her patched up and brought her to her room. Now I know why May is so concerned with her. when she has a meltdown it really is a risk to herself.

A/N) I have another Chapter for you guys. I'm sorry for the delay. I'm trying to set up for the ending half, and as I haven't gotten this far in the stories I wright for myself, there is a bit of a learning curve.

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