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"Hi, guys!" Peter waved happily to the large group. I don't think I'm ready for what's to come these following months.

Tony's POV

Should I have told everyone that not just Peter would be staying with us? Probably. Should I have mentioned that the unexpected child is on the spectrum? Also probably. But the look on Capsicals face as the girl with curly brown hair and ear muffs stepped out from her hiding place behind her brother was all worth it.

 At the feces of confusion, Pepere picked up on the fact that the rest of the people in the room had no clue who this girl was. "Tony please tell me you didn't, not tell them about Olivia." 

 "uh ~ well. oww," I started but was quickly stopped by Pepper hitting me.

Olivia's POV

Ms. Pots walked over to where I and Peter are standing. "Hey, Peter, Hey Olivia. Happy has aready put your bags in your room." 

Peter thanked her before turning his attention to the rest of the people in the large room. 

"Guys meet my little sister, her name is Olivia. She is really smart and knows a lot about the human body. It's her hyper fixation. Olivia these are the Avengers. You already know Mr. Stark and Ms. Pots. then there is Mr. Rogers, Mr. Burns Mr. Banner, Mr. Barton, Mr. Thor, Ms. Romanoff, Ms. Maximoff, Mr. Rhodes, and Mr. Vision." Peter said all of that in two breaths while pointing at everyone when he said their names.

I took off my noise-canceling headphones and waved at everyone shyly. 

"Hello." that seemed to snape everyone out of their trants they were in. I got hellos from everyone, I think I even heard one of the women say "she is just as cute as Peter, there practically Identical." 

"why don't you show Olivia your guys room? Your aunt mentioned that the two of you practically begged to be in the same room when you were little, well little-er." Mr. Stark told us, well mostly Peter but I'm ok with that. With an unnecessarily loud "OK!" from my brother, I was dragged down a hallway and up some stairs. 

He led me to a room that I'm guessing is his. Our suitcases and backpacks were already in the room. The walls were a light pale blue. There were two twin-size beds pushed up against opposite walls. with a desk in between. One of the walls is just one big window. The wall to the right has a door to a walk-in closet, while the wall to the left has another desk.

Peter plopped down on one of the beds claiming it as his own. "You ok? Overwhelmed yet?" he asked after a couple of seconds. "A little but I'm good. Your friends seem nice." with that he perked up. 

I started to unpack my bag. Trying to get the space to feel more comfortable with my things. Peter eventually did the same. Except his idea of unpacking is dumping the contents of his suitcase into the bed. He grabbed his notebook and was about to leave the room when he remembered I was there. "I'm going to go to the lab and get to work on this bow. If you need me, ask Friday for directions to the lab, ok?" I gave him a nod before he turned and dashed out of the room. 

I'm guessing I'm going to have to actually meet the other residents of the tower at lunch or dinner. Peter knows I can only deal with so much at once, but I know he is practically dying to show me all the labs and training room. As Well as his friends whom he has started thinking of as family. It's about time that I meet them. He has been spending most of his time here for almost a year and a half now. I guess I have the rest of the morning to sike myself up for people-ling. yay

A/N) OM Goodness! I can't believe that people have actually clicked on my book. That is so cool!

Also here is the ruff idea of what there room looks like.

Also here is the ruff idea of what there room looks like

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