3. Greg is a Dick

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After a long car ride to the collage Jack was attending, we finally arrived.

The campus wasn't anything too special, just your typical collage campus. There were some benches scattered around outside in shaded areas, and building that likely held an abundance of classrooms.

Slender had done some strange shit that I'd rather not think about too much, and got us student id's and signed up for a few classes. Me, Masky, and Hoodie would have alternating classes with Jack. I would have one in the morning and one in the afternoon, while Hoodie and Masky each had a class with him midday.

We also got a dorm.

I'm still so confused on how he got us into collage, with fake ids and backgrounds. Masky and Hoodie had both graduated high school, so it was easier to put together for them. I hadn't actually attended a real school since elementary, which meant my entire background had to be faked and made up.

Masky grabbed my duffel bag, along with his, while Hoodie grabbed his own. We had parked in the student parking lot, quite a ways away from the dorms because all the close spots had been snatched up at the beginning of the year.

We made our way into the dorm building. I was navigating us through the halls, courtesy of the map on my phone. Our dorm was on the third floor, which led to an awkward elevator ride with some random buff guy.

He honestly looked high.

We finally all got settled into the dorm we shared. There was a window on one of the walls and two bunk beds. I, of course, grabbed one of the top bunks.

Masky was staying on the bottom bunk of the bed across from me and Hoodie was on the one under me.

Now, we were all just being lazy. I was sitting on my bunk, swinging my legs over the edge, being a little bit careful to avoid hitting Hoodie. I was memorizing my schedule. My first class was at 10am, then I had another at 12pm, after that my next class was at 4pm, and my final one was at 8pm.

Four classes a day. How fun.

Though two of my classes I would be completely on my own in.

It made me anxious that Masky and Hoodie wouldn't be there to help me if anyone decided to be bitchy towards me about my tics.

It happened before, so much in fact, that I ended up being homeschooled, right up until I killed my dad.

I knew that it would be different. I wasn't a helpless kid now, I had killed over a hundred people, I commuted arson of various occasions, and had done some other crimes along the way.

Hoodie flipped a page of the textbook he was reading, effectively pulling me out of my spiraling thoughts.

He had been writing notes for me and Masky to go over later so that we could catch up. Masky was sitting on his bunk, going through a textbook of his own, also writing notes.

I should have been doing the same, but I always had issues focusing.

"I'm going to go to the common area, gonna write my notes there, maybe walk around campus a bit and get a feel for the layout," I informed the two, though Masky was the only one to reply.

"Be safe. You have your knife?"

I lifted my shirt up to show him the pocket knife I had clipped to my belt. He just nodded, then went back to his notes.

I grabbed my textbook, a notebook, a pencil, and slid on a black jacket over my plain white shirt. The jacket had part of a skeleton painted on the back of it, slightly mimicking an x-ray. I also put a latch over the hole in my cheek so I wouldn't have to wear a mask all the time.

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