Friday, February 10th

I stood in front of my mirror, fiddling with my shirt for the bajillionth time that hour. I wasn't going on a date with Tré, but I wanted to look nice. Why? Well, I was gonna meet him for the first time, I don't want to look ugly. Not because I think he might be my soulmate. Not at all.

My hands went through my hair, messing it up. I wanted to fix it, but my doorbell rang. Mike was here. I rushed out of the bathroom, slowing down once I reached the living room. As I did so, my door was already opening. Mike had a spare key, but rang my doorbell when he was coming in just so I would know it wasn't a burglar.

"Hey, Billie! What's up!" Mike said enthusiastically. He linked our arms together, walking us to a coffee shop. That was where we would meet Tré. Mike told me what he had found out about Tré, but it wasn't much since both of them were busy and didn't have a lot of time to talk. 1. Tré's originally from Germany 2. His "real" name is Frank (ew) 3. He dyed his hair green (Mike said it was about the same color of grass, so like a lightish grey).

We reached the coffee shop, and I waited outside a bit, taking in the colorless outside. This could be the last time I ever see a grey would. Not that I was really hoping this Tré guy was my soulmate, but, what if?

Mike dragged me inside, and my eyes flickered to the floor. They didn't raise back up until Mike sat me down at a table. I raised my head slowly, wanting to get an idea of what Tré looked like before making eye contact with him. He was wearing short sleeves, and I could see some tattoos littering his arms. Not a lot, but enough to intrigue me if he had more somewhere else. His shirt had some stains on it, but they were brighter colors, so probably paint splatters. Maybe he was an artist! Thats pretty cool. His hair was spiked up, and finally, his eyes. They were big and... grey. Fuck.

I shouldn't have been hoping too hard for this, but I was so betting that this guy was my soulmate. I let out a sigh that couldn't be heard, thankfully, over the chatter of other customers in the store. I didn't want Tré to hear and wonder what was wrong.

And, focusing on real life Tré and not the fantasy where he was mine, he had his hand out, wanting to formally meet me. I took it, feeling that his hand was rough, but warm. Maybe he played drums? But, it felt nice. Really nice. Fuck. I was 100% going to curse the universe for not letting Tré be my soulmate.

"Hey, I'm Tré, but I'm sure Mike's already told you that!" Tré was smiling, and his voice sounded happy as well. He seemed amazing.

"Yeah, he has. 'M Billie." My voice didn't sound like I was disappointed, but my voice kinda always sounded the same. Tré was still smiling, so I guess he didn't notice. Or I was really good at hiding my emotions.

"So, Mike told me you worked at Guitar Center! That's really cool! D'you play?" Tré still sounded excited. Wow. He really is cool. Most people just think it's the same as working at, like, any other store.

"Yeah, my dad gave my a guitar when I was 6. Been playing almost everyday since then. Do you play anything?" Tré shook his head, saying that he was too busy with his schoolwork to put the time into playing any instruments. He also mentioned that his roommate wouldn't like the noise.

"Oh?" I asked, "You're living with someone? Apartment?" Tré shook his head, a small smile on his face.

"Nah, I live in a college dorm. Studying for an art degree. Probably a waste of money, but its nice. My teacher- professor? That's what they call them in college, yeah? Anyway, the teacher/professor is more lenient with students who haven't met their soulmates yet, which is great for me. She's super cool."

I liked how Tré talked. He sounded really excited to talk about art. I assumed he enjoyed it. He looks like he'd be a good painter. I don't know what a good painter looks like, but Tré definitely has the looks for it.

"What about you? You don't seem like the type of guy to go to college, or even like school, but...?" Tré asked, tilting his head. He looked cute. No. You can't have these thoughts. He's not yours.

"Oh, I dropped out of highschool. I was like, 3 months away from graduating, but most jobs turned me away after realizing I didn't have a degree. Only reason I work at Guitar Center is because I'm friends with the boss."

Tré nodded along to every word I said, a little smile on his face. He listened to me. Really listened. We talked for another hour, ordering food in between that. Afterwards, I gave him my phone number, and he promised to text or call me as soon as he could.

We left the coffee shop, going down different roads. I had the urge to kiss him goodbye, and I had to restrain myself. I should really find my soulmate. Tré deserves to find his. He said he hadn't seen colors yet. I hope he does. Even if its not with me. An artist deserves that, I think.

I walked back home, not even bothering to keep my eyes to the floor. It was weird. Did I not care anymore? Maybe. Was I really hoping that much that Tré was my soulmate that when I found out he wasn't, I didn't care if I accidentally caught a glimpse of my actual soulmate's eyes? I barely even knew him. What was wrong with me?

The walk home was quick, thankfully. I didn't have to be left with my thoughts for long. I shut my door, walking to my bedroom. Call Mike, you promised. The thought ran through my mind, but I didn't want to. Unfortunately, or fortunately, my phone rang. My heart started racing, thinking it was Tré. It wasn't. It was Mike. Duh. Tré probably got weirded out by me.

I let it ring for a few seconds before answering. I didn't want to, but I also couldn't ignore Mike. "Hey! So, how'd it go?" His hyper voice made me pull the phone away from my ear. Why was he so excited? Tré's a new friend. Mike can stop being your only one.

"He was nice." And not my soulmate, so now I fell really fucking upset even though I've known him for an hour. "Did you know he's studying for art?" I tried to sound like I was actually interested, which I was, but also sound not upset, which I wasn't.

"Oh? He does? That's cool. Always wanted to learn to draw. You think he'd ever paint a portrait of us?" Mike said, laughing after his last sentence. I just giggled a bit, not wanting to talk anymore about Tré.

"Oh! I just remembered that I'm going out with Kevin! Sorry, I gotta go, but have fun! Call Tré!" Mike hung up before I could question what he meant. How did he know that I had Tré's number? Maybe he called Mike afterwards? I don't know.

I stared at my phone, questioning if I should call or not. What if Tré was busy? What if Tré was asleep, or painting, or something? I checked the time. 3 pm. What if he was in class? And besides, Tré said he'd call first. I'll let him.

But what do I do now? Mike and Kevin are out, there's no way I'm calling Tré, Adrienne is doing boss stuff, and Jason doesn't live in California anymore. I guess I could write some songs? Or just play my guitar. Either one would fulfill my music cravings.

I went to my closet, where my guitar sat. I smiled faintly. Blue could always make me feel better. There's happy memories associated with it. And I hoped to make more. I had always dreamed of, when meeting my soulmate, I would play them a love song (that I wrote) and it would be all cute and sappy and shit.

I didn't want to play any love songs, though. I didn't even want to think about love. Not after Tré and... whatever I feel for him. I refuse to call it love. Longing? But that's impossible. I can't be feeling that way towards him. Anyway, what I want to play is a really loud. Maybe some yelling as well, but its not required.

After about 4 hours later, I finished playing. My emotions might've been in check, but I won't know until tomorrow morning. Right now, all I feel is tiredness, and I actually want to go to bed. Maybe I'll sleep more than a couple hours!

I gently placed my guitar back in its spot, before walking to my bed, not even getting underneath the covers. Too much effort, I guess. I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep easily.

Beautiful, Grey World (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now