Sunday, February 12th

I woke up, feeling... weird. I definitely had a dream, again about Tré, but this time I didn't have any recollection of what had happened. All I remembered was feelings. And, oh God, those feelings were intense. A lot of love, or passion, or... something else that I refuse to say. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Hopefully this dream will be easier to suppress since I didn't remember jack shit.

I picked up my phone, checking the time. 10:38. About an hour until Tré said to meet him at a coffee shop, the same one where we first met. I had enough time to make myself look fairly good.

I got up and went to my kitchen, getting my sweet, sweet coffee. 10 am is still morning, at least to my body, and I still needed coffee. Afterwards, I took a shower, spent most my time fixing my hair, then dried off and went to pick out an outfit.

By outfit, I really meant a striped black and white long sleeved shirt and some old black jeans. At least, thats what they looked like to me. They could be... red and silver. That might be an ugly color combination.

There was still a lot of time until I would have to leave, but I didn't know what to do. I went through, like, 5 different apps, before getting bored again. I spent a couple minutes just tapping my foot, until I decided to just go to that fucking coffee shop. There, I could eat some cookies or something.

I walked to the coffee shop, deciding to look at the sign to see what it was called. A Latte of Love. Ugh. Of course it had some cheesy-ass name. At least the food was good.

I opened the door, looking for a free table, or even just a chair. There was a boothe in the back where no one was sitting, which was pretty awesome. I ordered a cupcake, didn't know they sold those, and went to the booth.

A few minutes after I sat down, Tré walked into the doors. I waved to him, and, once he saw me, he smiled at me. He walked over to me, slipping into the seat on front of me. Tré put on arm onto the table, propping his head onto his palm, still wearing a beautiful grin.

We talked for a bit, and I ordered Tré a donut, since I thought he might've been hungry. He smile, somehow, got bigger when I gave him the wrapped pastry. He ate it while we walked outside to his car, which was small and dark colored. I got into the passenger side, while Tré got into the driver's seat.

I noticed a camera on the dashboard of his car. "You gonna take pictures?" I asked. Tré nodded, saying that the museum was pretty and had good scenery that he wanted to paint later.

"And also I thought that I could take some pictures with you in them, if you're alright with that?" Tré asked, avoiding my gaze as he started the car.

"Yeah, why not. Not sure I'm very photogenic though." Tré just laughed at that. Maybe he thinks I'm pretty. Probably not though. Don't try to get your hopes up.

"Oh, also, there's some CD's in the back, if you wanna listen to something. I've got mostly punk, rock, and a little rap." Tré said, taking one hand off the steering wheel to point to the backseat.

I quickly turned around in my seat, trying to find something I liked. It wasn't very hard, considering both of our music tastes were practically the same. I saw a CD for Operation Ivy, and I was quick to gasp in excitement.

"Tré! Can we play this?" I asked, holding the album in my hands. I felt like I had to ask, because what if Tré didn't like Operation Ivy? And still had an album from them, dumbass.

"Yeah, of course dude!" Tré happily said, as I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't choose something bad! I put the CD in the car's player, bobbing my head to the first song, Knowledge, and singing along with Jesse Michaels. Tré joined in a couple seconds later by drumming his fingers on the wheel.

Beautiful, Grey World (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now