Tuesday, October 17th

I had been with Tré for about 7 months, almost 8. He had moved in with me during this time, and somehow he never got tired of me. He was still just as caring and amazing and cool and lovely as he was when we first started dating. Crazy.

Oh! Tré had also started his last year of college! We're both really excited, since that means that in about 9 months, he'll be graduated! A kid could be born in that time, that's crazy.

Nothing else had happened to me. But, Mike and Kevin were now engaged! Kevin told me that he went with my idea, and Mike was so happy, he was in tears. Their wedding is supposed to be in either December or January. Gonna be a little cold.

Damn. Only 3 interesting things happened in the span of 6 months. I need to do more stuff. Well, I've been on a few more dates with Tré whenever we've had free time, but since its his last year now, he has a lot more work to do and we aren't going to have the time to go out together.

Anyways, that's been life so far. Pretty damn good, especially with the most beautiful guy in the world being with me.

"Hey, darling, you're phone's ringing." Tré came into the kitchen, where I was trying (and failing) to cook something for real, and not just sticking something in the microwave.

"Thank you, honey. Can you take over this mess while I answer it?" Tré nodded, coming over to my horrible mess of what was supposed to be cookies. Somehow, I had ended up with an empty carton of eggs (it was almost completely full before), sugar everywhere, and the flour is just gone. I'd help Tré clean up once I answer whoever is calling me.

I read the caller ID, and saw it was from my mom! Woah. Haven't heard from her in a bit.

"Hey, mom! Whats up!"

"Hello, Billie! I know I haven't called in a while, but-"

"Oh, no, that's completely fine! I should've probably called you more often than I have."

"Well, I'm not in the mood for fighting over that, heh. But, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to our family gathering this year? I know you normally don't come, but I just wanted to ask."

"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll come! What day is it, and can my boyfriend come too?"

"You finally found your soulmate? Oh, Billie, I'm so happy for you! Of course he can come. And the gathering is this Friday, just at my home. Do you still remember my address?"

"Yeah, of course! I'll be there. I'll go ask my boyfriend if he wants to come, so, bye mom. I love you."

"I love you, too. I hope he comes with you!"

I hung up the call, going into the kitchen with Tré. He had ignored my mess, and tried his hardest to salvage my cookies. Although I knew it would be easier if he just started from scratch. I walked up next to him, grabbing some towels.

"So, my mom just called. She wants me to come to a family gathering, and she said you could come with me. Its this Friday, so do you wanna come with me?"

"Oh! Yeah, of course I'll go! I've been wanting to meet your family." Tré said excitedly. He had given up on saving my cookies, and was now cleaning it up. I grabbed a couple of towels to help him.

Friday was going to be interesting.


Friday, October 20th

Beautiful, Grey World (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now