Saturday, May 18th

"Everyone ready?" I called out into my living room. I say everyone, when it was really just me, Mike, Kevin, and Lilly. The rest of my family would've come as well, but they were all too busy with something. Lily was supposed to be at work, but she said seeing Tré graduate was more important to her.

Oh yeah. Tré's graduating today, just so you know.

Anyways, once everyone said that they were ready to go, we all got into my car, and I started driving over to Tré's college.

"So whats it like there?" Lilly started asking a bunch of questions as soon I pulled out of the driveway. "Is it colorful? Are there paintings and statues and-" She gasped, "naked drawings?"

I laughed at her questions. "Probably, yes, and, unfortunately, no. But, to be honest, we're probably not gonna be able to see the inside of the school. Ceremony is outside."

"Damn it. I was hoping to see all this cool art stuff around. My college was boring and dull. Ugh."

Lilly, Mike, and Kevin filled up the car ride with conversation while I focused on the GPS leading me to the college. I wasn't exactly paying the most attention whenever Tré took me there.

I pulled into the parking area of the college, and God it was packed. Who knew that people would want to see their loved ones graduate? I parked the car close to where the ceremony was being held, telling everyone to get out.

"I'm gonna go find somewhere to park, you guys go find seats or something for us." Once everyone got out, I started driving slowly around the area. Once I found a spot, I parked there, sitting in my car for a couple moments.

I fished around in my pockets, feeling the velvet-y feeling box in my hands. Good. I didn't forget it. Today would be a very exciting day for Tré.

I opened the box in my hands, looking over the ring. It had a blue topaz (December's birthstone) as the gemstone that perfectly matched Tré's eyes (I checked with Mike). Most perfect engagement ring ever, in my opinion.

I got out of my car, taking out my phone and calling Mike.

"I got a spot, just tell me where you are okay?" I heard Kevin through the speaker telling Mike to lead me the wrong direction. "I can hear you, y'know." Kevin just laughed.

Soon enough, I found my little group in some seats at the edge. I sat down at Mike's right and Lilly's left, and I immediately looked for Tré. I couldn't find him, but I would soon enough!

A hour and 40 minutes later, Tré's name was finally called. I forgot his last name was "Wright" and not "Cool." Soon enough it would be "Armstrong," though. If Tré said yes.

After Tré, there was only 2 more people, and after that everyone did the thing where they threw their caps into the air. Then, the actual celebration started and everyone could eat and stuff. I didn't care about that, I just wanted to see my Tré, my out-of-college Tré.

It didn't take too long, and once I found him, I tackled him with a hug. Tré, although very surprised, was soon laughing.

"You're graduated! Oh my God!" I knew my voice was getting just a little too loud, but I didn't very care. Tré also didn't care, laughing and yelling with me.

"I know! I'm gonna be able to spend more time with you! I can legally draw now!" Tré grabbed some food from a table behind him, handing it to me. A cupcake! Wow.

I led Tré to where Mike, Kevin, and Lilly were. Lilly asked Tré a whole lot of questions about college and how fun it was, the different projects he had to do, what he learned from his classes, and a lot of other stuff I didn't catch because, man, Lilly can fucking talk.

The rest of the ceremony/celebration happened pretty fast, and pretty soon we were taking Tré out to eat and actual dinner, not just cupcakes and pizza. Although the real purpose was to propose to Tré. I had a plan that I discussed with the rest of the group.

We all sat down at a booth, ordering food and drinks and the stuff you do at restaurants. I was too busy thinking and going through my plan in my head, hoping that I wouldn't mess anything up.

After everyone finished eating their main course, Lilly checked her phone, pretending that she got a message from our mom. She told everyone that she had to go home. She paid her part of the bill and got an unspecified taxi service to drive her home. Then, after the server came up and asked the rest of us if we wanted desert, Mike and Kevin said they wanted to go home and relax with each other. They also paid their share of the bill and left.

Then it was just me and Tré. I was so nervous. My palms were incredibly sweaty, and I could tell I was breathing harder. Tré either didn't notice or didn't wanna comment about it. The server brought out our deserts, and eating that made me less anxious. I mean, how could I possibly feel anything less than great with cake in front of me?

Then, I paid for both me and Tré (despite his protests) and we left. Before we got into my car, I asked Tré if he wanted to walk around a bit. He, thankfully, said yes, and we walked past different buildings. I had walked this way before, and I knew that there was this really pretty building that had fairy lights strung up outside its entrance and had some beautiful art pieces hanging in the windows. When we reached that building, I stopped, holding both of Tré's hand in mine.

"Tré, I love you. So much. You mean a lot to me, and everyday you make me feel so incredibly happy. You always make me feel loved and appreciated, and I could never, ever, ask for a better boyfriend. But," I dragged this out, "I do think it would be cooler if you were my husband." I went down on one knee, taking out the box with little difficulty.

Tré's smile was so big and bright, I thought I might've gone blind. "Yes! Yesyesyesyes! Of course I'll be your husband! Ahhh!!" I smiled with him, putting the ring on his finger. He pulled me into a crushing hug, peppering the side of my face with kisses.

"Do you like the ring? It matches your eyes. And its your birth month gemstone."

Tré looked over the ring, still smiling. "Oh, I love it. And I love it even more since you put some thought into it." Tré, still hugging me, rocked me back and forth while still kissing me.

"Oh! Hold your hand out, baby. Mike wanted a picture of it after you said yes." Tré giggled, holding out his hand in an incredibly gay way.

I took a quick picture, then led Tré back to our car. I drove him home, showing his Mike's text message once we were safely home, lying on our bed.

"I can't believe we're engaged now." Tré whispered, still looking at his ring. "When's the wedding gonna be? How big will it be? Who are-"

"Honey. Stop. We can think about all that stuff tomorrow, okay? Right now, I'm fucking tired." Tré giggled, whispering that he was just super excited. I couldn't blame him. I was too. But I was still tired. After Tré calmed down enough, We fell asleep basically immediately. First night sleeping with my fiancé.

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