Saturday, January 6th

New years moment! Woohoo! It was really nice being able to celebrate new years with Tré. I never realized how jealous I was of others having that new years kiss until I got to do it myself. Side note, Tré is a great kisser.

Anyways, besides having my first new years kiss, nothing else super crazy happened then. Tré's spring semester hadn't started yet, so he decided to take me out on a date before he would be extremely busy again. But thankfully, it was his last semester in college! My boyfriend's gonna have a college degree soon! Super exciting.

But, right now, date time. He was taking me out to this cute park that had wonderful scenery. Supposedly. Tré would enjoy it a lot. I know he would, it's why he brought his camera with him.

I parked underneath some shade. It was January, but it was also California. It wouldn't get super hot, but shade would still be nice. We got out of my car and, sure enough, Tré brought out his camera. It was one where you could hand it around your neck, and he looked so adorable with it on.

Tré grabbed my hand, taking me through the park. He told me that we would be going down every path and looking at everything it had to offer, so we were gonna be walking for a while. That was fine with me. More walking meant more time with my Tré. Yeah, we lived together, but still. It felt different somehow.

We walked along the different trails of the park, stopping every so often so Tré could take some pictures. I didn't really know why he was taking so many. I knew he liked photography, but normally he only takes a couple on our days out. Now, though, he's taken, like, 50 pictures already.

After some time of this, we found a bench. I told Tré I wanted to sit down for a bit, so we sat down together. Tré put his arm around my shoulders, holding my hand with his free one.

"So, do you wanna tell me why you've been taking so many pictures? Like, I have eyes. This park isn't that spectacular."

Tré hesitated, tapping his foot against the grass. He did that when he was nervous. What did he have to be worried about?

"Well, for my final project of the class we have to make this realistic painting of something important to us. And I have a lot of good photos of you, but I'm not sure if I want to spend all the time and effort to paint something if I think there's better contenders. So, I'm taking as many pictures of you to see if they're any better."

Oh. I wasn't expecting that. He called me important to him. Holy shit! Shut up, me. This is about Tré, not you.

"Oh, uh, do you want me to, like.... do anything? Pose better, look... cuter or something?" Saying that made Tré giggle, which made him look less nervous. Yay!

"No, honey, you're cute enough as is. If you got any cuter I think I'd die. But, seriously, you don't gotta do anything. Although I probably should stop taking so many. Can't help it when you're just standing there, looking so pretty."

I blushed at his compliment, playfully pushing him away from me. "Stop it! You're cuter than me." With that, I stood up, Tré following me. We walked through the rest of the park, and I even saw 2 squirrels. 2! Granted, I probably could've seen a few more if I was paying more attention to the actual scenery, but whatever.

When we got finished walking through the entirety of the park, it was around 3 pm. We still wanted to stay out longer, so we went out to this ice cream place. I wanted to do that cute milkshake thing where you have one milkshake but 2 straws, so I asked Tré if he would like that.

"Oh, no. Sorry, I just don't like milkshakes really."

I looked at Tré, shocked. "What do you mean you 'don't like milkshakes'? They're amazing!"

"I don't know, I just don't like the taste and feeling/texture of them. You can still get one, but I'm getting normal chocolate ice cream."

"Ugh. Fine. More for me, then." I said. I went up to the counter, asking for a strawberry milkshake and a chocolate ice cream cone. I walked over to where Tré had sat, giving the cone to him.

"You're really missing out, honey." I said, teasing Tré. He just scoffed, licking his ice cream.

"I might be missing out, but you're the one who's wearing all black drinking the pinkest milkshake I've ever seen. You look silly, sweetheart. I look normal."

I giggled at him, pointing up at him. "Not with that hair, you're not. Least normal person I've ever met." Last week, Tré got his hair dyed to a vibrant blue. Definitely knew what that meant, but, anyways, I knew that wasn't a "normal" hair color. He did look cute with it though, so I'm not complaining at all.

We continued to tease each other over the smallest of things, Tré even calling my hands too small. Whatever that meant. But we had a great time.

After we finished our ice cream, we left the store and got back in my car. It was 4 now, and I wanted to go do something else since I didn't want to go back home. But I was also a little tired and wanted to just lay on my couch for a couple minutes.... maybe hours.

"Hey, Tré, do you wanna go somewhere else or go home? I'm a little tired."

"Oh I am so ready to go home. I've been walking way too much and I need to just rest."

I giggled at him, starting my car. "Alright, alright we can go home now."

I drove us home, Tré almost falling asleep in his seat. He really was tired. I parked in our driveway, having to shake Tré gently to get him to get out.

"You sure you can even walk? I can carry you if you want me to." Tré's eyes lit up when I said this, and he nodded eagerly. I picked him up, his legs kicking slightly once I had him in my arms. I took him inside, laying him on our couch. I sat down next to him, having his legs rest on my lap.

The rest of the day, we basically just stayed on the couch. I only got up every once in a while to put on a movie, or put some frozen food in the microwave/oven for us to eat. Then, once I was tired enough, I carried Tré up to our bedroom where we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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