Monday, February 13th

I did my morning routine as well I could, which was at the very best, okay. At the worst, like I didn't even try. But it was fine. People don't come in Guitar Center for my looks. But what would Tré think? I thought. I shook my head. He probably doesn't think about me, and if he does, he thinks I'm a jerk and a liar.

I walked to work, being careful of my surroundings. Didn't want some random dude grabbing me again. But, I kept my head up, since if Tré was telling the truth, I've already found my soulmate and didn't have to worry about randomly seeing color anymore. I wanted to believe Tré was telling the truth. I don't know how he could be, but a man can dream. Even if that dream is having some hot guy be right when your 90% sure he's wrong.

I pushed open the door, going behind the counter. I was actually there early, which barely ever happens. I waited a bit for my coworker to come in and see who I would work with for today. At exactly 11 am, Kevin walked in. He took one look at me and his eyes grew wide.

"Woah! Billie, you okay? You don't look too good." He asked as he got behind the counter with me. I shook my head, telling him I had a terrible Sunday, but not saying anything else.

Other than Kevin, no one else commented on how I looked. See? I was right! People don't give a shit on what some random worker at a random store looks like. Great for me.

Mike came in, as usual, and did his thing, as usual. He stayed to talk with Kevin and me (but mostly Kevin). I tuned out for most of their conversation, handling with all the customers who came in just so Kevin didn't have to stop talking with Mike. He doesn't really get to see him often. Kevin works a lot of part time jobs, while Mike gets to work from his house. They don't live together, yet. I think its because Kevin wants to get married before they move in or something. I thought it was kinda stupid, but Mike's okay with it and that's all that matters.

Mike had to leave soon, much to Kevin's dismay, since he wasn't gonna buy anything. Once Mike left the store, Kevin immediately slumped down on the counter, his head in his hands.

"I know I'll get to see him at 6, but I still miss him. You know what I mea- wait. No, you don't. Sorry, I forgot." Kevin said. I wish I didn't know what he meant. I really wish I could talk to Tré, but he'd probably ignore my calls or texts. I haven't tried, but I don't think I will.

The rest of the day went by quick. As soon as the clock ticked over to 6, Kevin rushed out the store. He always does this, but he was way more happy this time. When I walked out, I saw it was because Mike was parked outside, waiting for him.

Kevin rushed into Mike's arms, Mike picking him up in a hug. There were large smiles on both on them, and they just radiated joy. I wanted that. I wanted to be as happy as they were. Why couldn't I just be normal and see color? Why couldn't I just be able to be with Tré?

I walked past them, ready to go back to my house. Mike let go of Kevin, coming up to me.

"Hey, do you want me to give you a ride home? I know it's not that far, but I barely get to hang out with you anymore." I wanted to say no, since I figured it would just be Kevin and Mike flirting while I sat in the back, but he was right. I don't really talk to Mike all that much, and with Kevin, I only see as my coworker, not my best friend's boyfriend.

"Sure, why not? You don't even gotta take me home if you wanna hang out longer." I really hoped that I wouldn't regret this decision.

Mike's eyes lit up, and he pulled me into a tight hug. "Thanks, man! This is gonna be the best drive to your place ever!"

I walked back with Mike to his car. Kevin was probably already in there, since I didn't see him. Mike went to the driver's seat while I went to the back.

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