Friday, December 29th

It was 4 days after Christmas. Me and Tré had a wonderful and amazing and incredible time together. I had gotten him a couple of bracelets and necklaces, since he mentioned he wanted something people could notice and then he could brag about me when asked where he got them. And, for his birthday a few weeks ago, I bought him new art supplies.

But now, we were celebrating something else. Mike and Kevin were getting married today! I was Mike's man of honor/best man (I don't think there is a difference, since Mike has referred to me as both), while Tré was one of his groomsmen. It was super exciting, but also very nerve wracking. The last time I had been to a wedding was when I was 14 and my mom had been remarried. And, since I was a rebellious little teen, I decided to skip basically the whole thing by hiding in a bathroom. So, pretty much, I had zero experience of weddings. I didn't know etiquette or what to even do as a groomsmen. I asked Mike, and he said that I just had to stand next to him for a bit, then give a short speech about him and Kevin after some time.

Writing a speech was a little easy; I had known Mike and Kevin for their entire relationship, and knew how much in love they were with each other. The hard part was delivering a speech in front of a bunch of people (about 30ish in fact) without stuttering and messing up.

That was a problem to worry about later. The wedding started at 2 pm, but me and Tré had to be there by around 9 or 10 am to help prepare and make sure everything looked good. And, since I was Mike's man of honor, I would also be helping him look good. He was going to be taking the 'bride' role, aka he was going to be the one walking down the aisle with his dad.

But that would be happening much, much later. Right now, me and Tré were driving to the venue. We had our suits in the back, which we would put on closer to when the wedding started. It was going to be held outside of a church, and then the reception (or whatever the word is for the party at the end of the actual wedding) would be held inside the building.

"You ready to be a groomsman, love?" I asked Tré as we pulled into the parking lot. There were a few people outside working on decorations and chairs and stuff.

"Not at all. You ready to be a best man?" Tré responded, hand clutching mine.

"Nope. But at least we're in this together. Now, let's go. We've got a wedding to set up."

We got out of the car, taking our suits out as well. I took both of them to the inside of the church, looking for where Mike was. It didn't take too long, and I soon found him in some room, pacing. I set the suits down on some table and went over to Mike.

"Hey, man, what's up?" I asked, sitting down near Mike.

"Oh! Hey Billie. Um, I'm doing... not good, really. I'm super nervous. What if Kevin has doubts? What if he says no to marrying me?"

"Mike, please. That man is sickenly in love with you. I don't even think it's possible he would say no. I would know; everytime you see him at Guitar Center, he practically falls in love with you for the first time again."

Mike grinned at me. "Yeah, you're right." He sat down in the chair next to mine, continuing what he was saying. "It's just... you know, after this, we're going to be living together. I'm gonna see him every day. Its a huge step in our relationship, and I guess our lives. I guess I'm just nervous it isn't gonna work out."

I never really expected Mike to have worries about his relationship. I mean, whenever I see the two together (which is pretty much all the time), they're so in love and happy. But I guess it makes sense why'd he be worried. After this, the two are going to see each other 24/7 basically. They've never really experienced it. Even so...

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