Monday, February 27th

My weekend was incredible! It pretty much only consisted of me and Tré talking about just anything at all, but it was nice! It was really nice! Talking to my boyfriend (it feels so good being able to think that) is a perfectly valid pastime.

But now it was Monday, I had to go to work and Tré had to go to his classes. I really didn't want to, but money is kinda important. And I'm sure education is important to Tré. Maybe. Probably.

Kevin was working with me again, which made me wonder if he was gonna start working full-time. He's never this frequent. Or maybe its the opposite. Maybe he's getting a new job, so he wants to work as much as he can here to get as much money as possible. I don't know.

"So, how was your date with Tré?" Kevin asked when there was no one in the store. Which was almost all the time.

"Oh! It was incredible! I told Mike about pretty much all about it, but it wouldn't hurt to tell you!" And so, with permission to talk for hours about my new boyfriend, I did just that. When Mike came in for his daily checking up on me, he almost walked right back out of the doorway. The only thing that stopped him was the fact Kevin was there.

"You're still talking about him? Oh my God!" Mike said jokingly. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Like you didn't act the exact same way when you found out Kevin was your soulmate. That was... oh, how long have you guys been together? 4 years ago? 5?"

"5 years, about to be 6 in April!" Kevin exclaimed. 6 years. That is really long time. And they still don't live together? Damn.

Mike stayed for a little while longer, leaving after about 6 minutes. Once Kevin saw the door shut, he immediately started talking.

"I'm thinking about proposing to him on our 6 year anniversary. I've already bought a ring, and I've been saving up money for a wedding."

"Wait, really!? Dude that's awesome! Go for it! I'm sure Mike will say yes." Holy shit this was exciting! I've never been to a wedding before, besides the one between my mom and my step-dad, but I was a kid then.

"Well, yeah, of course I'll 'go for it', I just don't know where to ask Mike. He's not really one for clichés, so I don't want to propose during, like, a fancy restaurant or a stroll through a park. Any ideas?"

Me? Ideas for proposals? I literally just got together with my soulmate. I haven't thought about any sort of proposal!

"Uhh, well, maybe just ask him super casually? Like, invite him over to your place on your anniversary, cook him dinner or something, then just ask him while your eating? Just like, 'hey, you wanna be my husband?' Maybe?" Straight up just thought of that on the spot. I think its a good idea. It's romantic, but also not cliché or a public proposal. Mike told me once he didn't want to be proposed in public, since there would be too many stares, and also he thought it would be fun to see how long people realize he's engaged.

Kevin was silent, thinking over what I'd said. "That sounds nice. I think I'll do that! Thanks, Billie." He smiled at me, then he described the ring he picked out for Mike. I didn't really know what he was talking about, since Kevin had chosen the least well-known gemstones ever, but I still nodded along.

"Oh, I know I'm probably boring you to death, I'm sorry. I'm just really excited and I need to tell someone, and I can't really tell Mike."

"Eh, it's fine. I'd probably act the same if I was about to ask my partner to marry me." I didn't say 'ask Tré to marry me.' Was that weird? He was my boyfriend, but we've only been together for 3 days. Should I be thinking about stuff like that?

"Well, I should probably stop talking about this. It's not very professional." And with that, Kevin went silent. He's weird. But I know Mike loves him. I'll be really happy when they get married.

The rest of my shift was normal. Sold some guitars, talked a little bit more with Kevin, and told Adrienne about Tré. She was really happy for me. It made me a little embarrassed, since I saw her as, like, a cool aunt? Like, I know she's around my age, but whenever I talk about my personal life to her, it feels weird. But, I left the store a few minutes after Kevin, walking home. I was really only thinking about Tré while doing so, which made me almost trip onto some people. Everytime that happen, I felt more anxious. I didn't want a repeat of that one day. But I made it home okay.

I opened my front door, feeling a little disappointed when I don't see Tré on my couch. He stayed over for a couple hours on the weekend, and I had apparently gotten used to that. I wanted to text Tré, but I was pretty sure he was in class. Instead, I watched some action movies. Mindless violence, woohoo!

I made it through the first movie, but I only watched 10 minutes of the second. If I was being honest, I wasn't even paying that much attention to the first one. It was probably time to eat something, then maybe go to bed. Probably not.

Walking to my kitchen, I grabbed a frozen pizza. Not the healthiest dinner in the world, but it was tasty. Maybe. Honestly, I didn't really care. Just as long as I stopped feeling hungry.

After that, I still wasn't tired nor was it an "acceptable time" for me to go to bed. My mind would not let me sleep "too early." Too early meaning 11 pm. I don't know why I have these unnecessary obstacles. They're just there. But now what do I do? Nothing is entertaining me, none of my friends are up, I don't want to annoy Tré if he is awake, and I can't just sleep. Literally nothing I can do.

Well, I could play my guitar. But I don't really have the motivation to do that. Haven't really wanted to at all in the past couple weeks. I feel... kinda guilty about not playing it, like it has feelings. I know it doesn't. But still.

After I had debated in my mind about whether or not to play, I checked the time, seeing that 10 minutes had passed. I think that's way to long to think about doing something, so I just decided to be done with thinking and just go to bed. Finally.

Beautiful, Grey World (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now