Phase 1: Dawn of war

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Fighting for the enemy

A Gundam Seed fanfic by Jeremy Mountbatten

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed at all and all the rights belong to Bandai and Sunrise. This is a reworked fanfic based on the former gundam seed fanfiction, Innocence of the battlefield. For readers who have no idea of what gundam seed is, I highly recommend that they read the lore of gundam seed anime so that they will understand this reworked fanfic better.

Phase 1: Dawn of war

Several years ago...

When Flay was younger, she used to have a happy childhood while living with her family in a huge mansion at Washington D.C, Atlantic Federation during CE 60. However, things came crashing down for Flay when her mother Maria Allster passed away from an unknown disease.

The death of Maria Allster impacted both Flay and her father George Allster. They couldn't believe that Maria would pass away quickly despite having no chronic illness plaguing her health. Flay's father blames the Coordinators for the death of Maria and starts to influence the young Flay, telling her Coordinators are inhuman beings and out to destroy them. To ensure she fully accepted Blue Cosmos's Anti-Coordinator ideology, Flay was enrolled at Anti-Coordinators programs by her father (offered by community centers run by Blue Cosmos) to be indoctrinated with hate, racism and prejudice against Coordinators.

Despite being taught by the staff members of Blue Cosmos, Flay didn't become diehard Blue Cosmos supporters like the other young children in the program.

Flay develops a frightening anxiety when she hears about Coordinators serving in the ZAFT forces. Sensing an opportunity to exploit Flay's fear for political and military purposes, the board of directors of Blue Cosmos orders George to send Flay for both military and mobile pilot training at the age of 10, so that she can become a future EA soldier fighting the ZAFT forces when the time comes.

Flay's father enthusiastically accepted the order and made the necessary preparations for Flay to commence both her military and mobile pilot training when she reached the age of 10. By CE 66 and at the age of 10, Flay was being sent by her father to Blue Cosmos's facilities to commence both her military and mobile pilot training guided by EA officers with Blue Cosmos sympathies.

Over the next 4 years, Flay adapts her life while undergoing training to become a future EA soldier. Unlike many young kids that have a proper childhood, Flay does not have one. Apart from both her military and mobile pilot training, she has to undergo schooling during the holidays as well. As a result, Flay understood that it was necessary for her not to have holidays to relax, after all her future life is going to be a EA soldier fighting evil Coordinators serving in the ZAFT forces.

By the time she reached the age of 15 and before enlisting in the EA forces as a pilot upon finishing her course—Flay was being sent to Heliopolis Technical College to study Aeronautical Engineering. Despite encountering Kira Yamato as a Coordinator during one of the classes, she was fearful of Kira. Flay assumed Kira could be from the PLANTs. Luckily, Kira and his group of friends were able to convince Flay that Kira comes from the Orb Union and he's not a ZAFT soldier.

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