Phase 4: Aprilius One

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Phase 4: Aprilius One

Designated Holding Room, Nazca Class ZAFT Space Destroyer, The Vesalius, 4 February CE 71, 0900 hrs

Three days later...

The Vesalius enters the spaceport as it reaches Aprilius One. Commander Le Creuset and Yzak enter the holding room to speak with Flay. "Good morning, Miss Allster. How are you so far?" Le Creuset asks Flay as he greets her.

"I'm fine, sir." Flay replies while avoiding looking at Commander Le Creuset.

"That's great to hear, Miss Allster. We have arrived at Aprilius One and will disembark from this ship at 1000 hrs. Before that, you are required to wear a set of Green ZAFT Outer Uniform before leaving this ship. Hence, Ensign Joule will give you a set of it and instruct you about how to do a ZAFT military salute," Le Creuset directs Yzak to pass the uniform to Flay.

"Ensign Joule, once you have done with Miss Allster. Both of you meet me at the ship's entrance before we leave. I'm heading off to my personal room to get my things." Le Creuset notifies Yzak before leaving.

"Yes, sir." Yzak acknowledges before looking at Flay.

"Miss, this is a set of the female variant of Green ZAFT Outer Uniform. It comes with a skirt, main outer uniform, a green cap and a pair of ZAFT black boots. You just wear it over your inner uniform," Yzak instructs as he passes the Outer Uniform set to Flay.

"I will wait for you outside, Miss Allster. Once you have finished wearing the outer uniform and take all your belongings with you, please look for me, as I need to teach you how to do a ZAFT military salute," Yzak informs Flay before leaving the room.

As she looks at the set of Green ZAFT Outer Uniform, Flay resents that she has to wear a military uniform that is mostly worn by Coordinators only. Since she is in the Coordinators' homeworld, it would be in the best interest that Flay follows instructions from ZAFT officials if she wants to avoid getting into trouble.

Without further ado, Flay quickly puts on the main outer uniform, followed by the skirt and the rest of the outer uniform set. Soon, she puts on the pair of ZAFT black boots before putting the green cap on her head as the finishing touch.

Once Flay finishes wearing the Outer Uniform set, she takes a quick look in the mirror to ensure she wears it correctly. After checking that she wore the Outer Uniform set correctly, Flay takes her personal bag and the amenity bag in case she needs it for use while staying in the PLANTs temporarily.

Then she leaves the holding room as Yzak is waiting outside for her.

Passageway, Nazca Class ZAFT Space Destroyer, The Vesalius, 4 February CE 71, 0935 hrs

"I'm ready to leave, sir," Flay informs Yzak upon closing the door. Yzak nods in acknowledgement and looks at her as he is about to tell her something.

"Miss Allster, you are not wearing the Green cap correctly," Yzak says as he helps Flay to rearrange the cap correctly based on ZAFT's military standards. "There, that's how a ZAFT soldier should wear the cap properly. By the way, why are you carrying the amenity bag?"

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