Phase 11: Physical Training

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Author's notes: Hey everyone! This chapter and several upcoming chapters will mostly cover the eight weeks of ZAFT basic military training. The reason I'm covering ZAFT military training is because we don't get to see much of their training style in the anime. I'm aware that my fanfic's portrayal of ZAFT's military training may not live up to anime's standards but I did what I could after conducting research online on real-life military training around the world. I do apologize if my fanfic's portrayal is not up to your standard. Let me know in the comments if you have any comment or feedback on my fanfic's portrayal. Thank you. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed at all and all the rights belong to Bandai and Sunrise.

Phase 11: Physical Training

Mess Hall, Citadel Military Base, City of Aprilius One, PLANTs, 11 February CE 71, 1135 hrs

During lunchtime...

As Flay stared at her portion of food on the tray, she couldn't stop thinking about ZAFT's military laws. Flay knows the EA forces do not take any ZAFT soldiers as prisoners. She remembers Blue Cosmos-affiliated EA soldiers taught them to kill any ZAFT soldiers on sight, even if they wanted to surrender. However, ZAFT forces would also commit the same thing, but to a more horrifying extent. Based on their military laws, ZAFT soldiers had the right to execute any civilian Naturals deemed a threat to them.

This worries Flay as she remembers during the military lecture. She saw lots of ZAFT recruits openly expressing their views of taking Naturals as hostages before torturing them to their death. She even heard some of them talking about Flay in unfavorable terms and wishing to make her suffer during the eight weeks of military training. "Let's make that pure blue witch suffer everything for her father's actions," Flay recalls hearing the statement made by one of the ZAFT recruits. She wished ZAFT soldiers didn't capture her at Heliopolis so that she could return to her home nation. However, there's nothing Flay can do to change her current plight. Right now, she's undergoing ZAFT military training on one of its bases, and backing out would lead to her death.

"Flay, are you alright?" Sacha looks at Flay, wondering why she is not eating her lunch. "I'm fine, Sacha. I'm just feeling lost in my thoughts." Flay assures. However, the green-haired Coordinator overheard them and butts into their conversation. "She thinks she was not born as a Coordinator on the PLANTs," Stefania mocks before looking at Sacha. "We shouldn't be too close to her, Sacha. She is the daughter of Blue Cosmos shitbag George Allster. What if she switches sides during battle and shoots us down?"

Flay feels hurtful after hearing Stefania's negative comments about her. Although her father is a high-ranking Blue Cosmos official, she feels it is unjust for her to bear all his sins. Flay felt that god was cruel enough for her to live with a family that despises Coordinators. Now, she is paying the price where ZAFT Coordinators would no doubt exact revenge on her. Luckily, Sacha saw this was too much for Flay and call-out Stefania with the following statement: "Hey, stop with the Blue Cosmos accusations against Flay. She wouldn't be here training with us right now if ZAFT forces found out if she's an agent for them. Just give her a break, Stefania!"

Flay felt grateful that Sacha stood up for her, but she knew it would happen again. In the coming days, she has an uncomfortable feeling these ZAFT instructors and recruits will look for ways to make her training life miserable. Hence, Flay knew that failure was not an option for her, and she had to put in double the efforts in upcoming training sessions to win their trust.

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