Phase 12: Basic Obstacle Course

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed at all and all the rights belong to Bandai and Sunrise.

Phase 12: Basic Obstacle Course

Striker Company's Assembly Area, Block 4, Citadel Military Base, City of Aprilius One, PLANTs, 17 February CE 71, 0820 hrs

Three days later...

All the ZAFT recruits of the Striker Company assembled in the company's assembly area after breakfast. It is the second week of their military training, and today, they will carry and use the assault rifle with them until they graduate as full-time ZAFT soldiers. "Good morning, Striker Company!" Nereus addresses his company of ZAFT recruits. "Today, all of you will receive a present from the PLANTs' Government. This is a standard-issued ZAFT rifle, and you will use it to bring death to the Blue Cosmos fanatics. All of you will carry this rifle with you till your pass-out parade. Hence, I expect all of you to take good care of your rifle and treat it like your loved ones. We would not hesitate to punish any recruits found mishandling the rifle. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Chief Petty Officer Eros!" All the recruits acknowledge his order in unison. "Good. Also, you will each receive a complete add-on attachment kit for the rifle. Do not lose any of the attachments in the kit. The ZAFT military will not hesitate to deduct some of your military allowance pay if you lose any of it." Nereus reminds them in a strict tone. "Now, the recruits from the first platoon shall come forward to receive their rifle and the add-on attachment kit. Then, followed by the rest of the other three platoons." .

With that said, the ZAFT recruits line up to receive their rifle and the add-on attachment kit. Forty minutes later, it was about Flay's turn to receive the ZAFT rifle and the attachment kit. 'Woah, it is heavier than I thought.' An amazed Flay thought as she received the ZAFT rifle before moving on to receive the attachment kit from another ZAFT instructor. With her hands full and not wanting to drop the ZAFT rifle, Flay slings it over her left shoulder while carrying the attachment kit in one of her hands. Despite handling the EA rifle during her younger years, she found the ZAFT rifle heavier than the EA forces' counterpart. 'It doesn't matter if this rifle is only suitable for Coordinators. I have to handle this rifle well.' Flay thought while walking back to her platoon.

"Listen up, Striker company." Nereus addresses his company of recruits. "With every single one of you having the ZAFT rifle and the add-on attachment kit. Your squad commanders will later bring you to a training shed where they train you how to assemble and disassemble the ZAFT rifle. Also, they will teach you how to maintain the rifle in good care and attach its add-on attachments. After lunch, they will take all of you to the obstacle course training area to begin your first session of rough obstacle training. That's all and dismissed!" Hence, the ZAFT instructors bring the four platoons to separate training sheds before teaching them how to handle and maintain the ZAFT rifle in good condition.

Training Shed, Block 4-D, Citadel Military Base, City of Aprilius One, PLANTs, 17 February CE 71, 0920 hrs

The fourth platoon quickly settles down in the training shed after being led by their squad commanders. "Attention, Platoon 4!" Filip addresses the recruits of the fourth platoon to gather near him. "Today, we will teach you all the weapon characteristics of the ZAFT rifle and its add-on attachments, but first, I need all of you to open the attachment kit. It is to ensure that no attachments are missing from the box. Open up, everyone." As ordered, all the ZAFT recruits open the box of the attachment kit and await further instructions. "In the box itself, there should be a Vertical Forward Grip, a Suppressor and a 2-4x Red Dot Optics Scope. If your box is missing these attachments, please inform us immediately." Filip says in a strict tone as the recruits check their attachment kits. After all the recruits inspected their kits, they confirmed to the ZAFT instructors they had all the required add-on attachments.

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