Phase 6: A Natural's Resolve

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Author's note: I have made some edits on the previous chapters of this fanfic to improve the quality of the previous chapters and easy reading. So don't be surprised if the previous chapters are a bit different. Thank you.

Phase 6: A Natural's Resolve

Conference Room, Main Building, ZAFT Headquarters, City of Aprilius One, PLANTs, 4 February CE 71, 1135 hrs

"Councilman Zala!" Siegel calls out Patrick. "Miss Allster is a human, too. We can't just send her to the gallows so quickly just because she is a Natural and the daughter of George Allster. It's better we use her as a bargaining chip tool when we negotiate with the EA forces and their governments." Siegel persuades Patrick to spare Flay.

"No, Chairman Clyne. It's better to see Miss Allster being court martialed instead." Patrick refuses Siegel's recommendation. "She has to answer for her family's crimes against Coordinators. If she wants us to spare her, Miss Allster has to prove herself worthy during the trial." .

Seeing how the head of ZAFT forces is hellbent on prosecuting Flay, Siegel has no other choice but to accept Patrick's idea. "Ensure that she deserves a fair trial, Councilman Zala." Siegel warns.

"Don't worry, Chairman Clyne. I will give her a fair trial." Patrick reassures Siegel before looking at Commander Le Creuset.

"Also, a ZAFT officer from Commander Le Creuset's team will represent her during the trial since they are the ones who captured Miss Allster first." Patrick says. "Commander, which ZAFT officer do you recommend acting as a defence officer for Miss Allster?"

"Let me think, Councilman Zala," Le Creuset replies as he looks at both the elite ZAFT soldiers sitting beside him. "Ensign Joule and Ensign Mackenzie, which one of you wants to defend Miss Allster during a trial?"

Both of the elite ZAFT soldiers look at each as if telling themselves to volunteer and defend that hated red-haired Natural. However, Rusty tells Yzak: "Please defend her, Yzak. I'm not good at defending Naturals well," Rusty urges. Soon Commander Le Creuset agrees and informs Yzak: "Since you have interacted with Miss Allster for quite some time, I think it's in our best interest you represent Miss Allster during her trial as a defence officer." .

"Will it affect my job performance as an elite pilot if I were to represent Miss Allster?" Yzak asks.

"Not at all Ensign. The Supreme Council will reward you if you take up the task," Le Creuset informs Yzak.

After having some thoughts, Yzak agreed to represent Miss Allster and stood up from his seat. "Alright, I will represent Miss Allster. When can I see her?"

"Thank you, Ensign Joule." Patrick thanks Yzak for willing to represent Miss Allster. "Your job is to advise her about legal rights and what she needs to do during the trial. If she cooperates well during the trial, we may be generous enough to send her home quickly." .

"Hence, you have 48 hrs to prepare her and we will meet again in this room for the court martial. We will reward you once you complete this task successfully. Please do your best and good luck, Ensign." Patrick wishes good luck to Yzak.

Fighting for the enemy [Shifted to FFN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon