Phase 8: Verdict & Confrontation

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Author's notes: Hey readers! Sorry for the late release of this chapter, I have some busy days during the month of January. So that's why it took a long time to complete this chapter. Enjoy reading this chapter, everyone!

Phase 8: Verdict & Confrontation

Conference Room, Main Building, ZAFT Headquarters, City of Aprilius One, PLANTs, 7 February CE 71, 1415 hrs

With all the eyes looking at her, Flay takes a deep breath before explaining her intentions. "Chairman Clyne and Councilman Zala. Based on my personal beliefs and convictions, I planned to enlist in ZAFT forces as a pilot to help end the war and bring peace among Naturals and Coordinators." This surprised Siegel, Eileen and Ezalia as they never thought of Flay wanting to join the Coordinator's armed forces. Her answer leaves them with more questions about Flay's intentions of joining ZAFT. However, Patrick does not trust a single word from the red-haired Natural. He gave a skeptical look at her since he knew Naturals like her were not trustworthy at all.

"Sorry, Chairman Clyne. I don't buy her reasoning at all. Her reasoning sounds more like a Blue Cosmos sleeper agent to me. No way, I would let her become a ZAFT soldier and pilot." Patrick informs Siegel that he rejects Flay's reasoning. "She's a damn Blue Cosmos spy, and it's better we execute her!" This appalled Flay, as she knew she wasn't a spy for Blue Cosmos. Even though she had undergone military training before, Flay did not receive the proper training to become a spy for Blue Cosmos.

"Councilman Zala! You simply cannot accuse Miss Allster of being a Blue Cosmos spy just because she is George Allster's daughter!" Siegel fiercely rebukes Patrick for being biased. "Only ZAFT's Intelligence department can prove that Miss Allster is indeed a spy for Blue Cosmos. You can't simply accuse her without solid evidence." .

"Maybe the intelligence department may have not fully checked Miss Allster's completely. She still could be a secret spy waiting to destroy us when the opportunity arises." Patrick suggests. However, both Siegel and Eileen shake in disbelief, as they don't believe Patrick's words of Flay being a spy. "Sorry Councilman Zala, I don't believe a word of what you said until we receive solid proof of Flay spying on behalf of Blue Cosmos." Eileen disagrees with Patrick's suggestion. "We can check and confirm with Councilwoman Joule here if Miss Allster is indeed a spy or not." .

Disappointed by both Chairman Clyne and Councilwoman Canaver's disagreement, Patrick reluctantly allows them to check with Ezalia regarding Flay's background. "Councilwoman Joule, did the ZAFT's Intelligence Department found any information about Miss Allster being a spy for Blue Cosmos?" Siegel questions Ezalia. The silver-haired councilwoman stands up and tells him that there was no evidence that linked Flay to any espionage activities. "It's impossible for Miss Allster to be a spy for Blue Cosmos. We have searched every personal detail of Miss Allster, and found no records of her being a spy for the EA forces. Hence, we can only conclude that they trained her to be a Blue Cosmos affiliated EA soldier and mobile suit pilot. That's all I can say for now, Chairman Clyne." Ezalia concludes her speech.

Satisfied that Flay is not a Blue Cosmos spy, Siegel looks to Patrick before saying the following, "Councilman Zala, to prove whether Miss Allster is really a spy. She has to enlist in the ZAFT forces. From there, if she tried to go AWOL during her training, we could arrest her on suspicion of being a Blue Cosmos spy." However, Patrick does not agree with Siegel's proposal at all and comes up with a counterproposal instead. "How about this, Chairman Clyne? ZAFT will only accept Miss Allster fully into their ranks if she can earn the status of an elite pilot." .

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