Phase 3: Flay's Dilemma

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Phase 3:  Flay's Dilemma

Infirmary, Nazca Class ZAFT Space Destroyer, The Vesalius, 1 February CE 71, 1005 hrs

"Miss Allster, I'm Commander Rau Le Creuset and beside me is Ensign Yzak Joule of the ZAFT forces. Let us brief you what has happened so far," Le Creuset began speaking. "You have been unconscious for a week now after being sedated by one of our medics." .

"One week?" Flay couldn't believe that she had just slept through for a week. "Then where am I?"

"Miss Allster, you are officially aboard the Vesalius, a ZAFT military warship. Right now, we are heading back to the PLANTs since the Supreme Council ordered me to return." Le Creuset explains. That revelation makes Flay show signs of visible panic as she knows; that they were taking her to the Coordinator's homeworld where she will forever live there against her will.

"No...No..." Flay whimpers as she becomes fearful that they will mistreat and abuse her once Coordinators living there found out that she is a Natural. "Hey! Stop being hysterical, my commander has not finished speaking to you yet!" Yzak lashes out at Flay.

"Easy there Ensign Joule. She is in a state of shock at what is going on. I will handle her, don't worry." Le Creuset urges Yzak to go easy on Flay. "We have a reason to detain and bring you back to our ship, Miss Allster." Le Creuset began speaking.

"Since you have witnessed us taking part in military operations, we cannot let you go. Based on our ZAFT military rules, any civilians caught by us during military operations we will detain and bring back for processing." Le Creuset informs Flay.

"In addition, your last name is quite valuable to both ZAFT and the Supreme Council. They may detain you further in the PLANTs for further investigation until you are safe to return home. So if you want to be sent home quickly, please cooperate with us," Le Creuset requests Flay to cooperate with them.

Even though Flay was distrustful of Coordinators serving in ZAFT, she realized she does not have a choice but to cooperate with Commander Le Creuset if she wants to return home. Plucking some courage, Flay looks up to him with the following answer: "Alright, I will cooperate with you. Just don't kill me." .

Satisfied with Flay's answer, a small smile appears on Commander Le Creuset's face. "Thank you, Miss Allster. Ensign Joule will issue you a ZAFT Inner Uniform set for the time being since you are now a civilian POW based on wartime regulations. You will move to a holding room with accommodation before dinner," Le Creuset briefs Flay.

"Also, you will receive back your personal belongings. From now on, I assign Ensign Joule to manage you until we reach the Supreme Council. So please cooperate with him," Le Creuset informs Flay to cooperate with Yzak for the time being.

"Ensign Joule, I'm heading back to the Bridge so you will handle Miss Allster from here. Let me know if there's any issue," Le Creuset instructs. Yzak nodded and saluted at Commander Le Creuset before he left the infirmary.

Then Yzak looked back at Flay and began speaking. "Here's your personal belonging." Yzak passes Flay's bag and her personal identification card back to her. "I will later bring you a set of ZAFT Inner Uniform and a pair of covered shoes for you to change before heading off to the designated holding room for your accommodation. You will have your dinner over there as well," Yzak says.

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