Phase 9: Enlisted

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Author's notes: Hey everyone! From this chapter onwards, I will mostly cover Flay's experience and her interactions with other Coordinators during her time undergoing military training to become a full-fledged ZAFT soldier. I'm aware that this and future chapters will be a bit more like a slow burn to all of you. But I feel it is necessary to cover this since the anime counterpart did not show Flay's interaction with other ZAFT soldiers during her captivity on the Vesalius. Once Flay finishes her ZAFT military training, she would be sent to fight against Kira Jesus Yamato and the Archangel at the Battle of Orbit.

Phase 9: Enlisted

Call up assembly area, Parade Square, Citadel Military Base, City of Aprilius One, PLANTs, 9 February CE 71, 1000 hrs

2 days later...

Flay hurries quickly to Citadel's military base with a suitcase and a ZAFT issued military duffel bag in tow. She has to reach the call up assembly area on time since it was her first day of enlistment. Luckily, she reaches the military base in time before its gates close shut. 'Whew, thank god I made it on time.' Flay thought as she saw some ZAFT soldiers locking up the gate. Then she joins the queue where ZAFT recruits were queuing up to register for their enlistment process.

Unlike those ZAFT soldiers, these new recruits don't wear the usual Green ZAFT Outer Uniform. Instead, male recruits wear a light green recruit uniform while female recruits wear the orange recruit uniform. While Flay was waiting for her turn to register, she thought of the negative reactions from ZAFT Coordinators once they found out that she was a Natural. However, she knew she had to bear with them if they used Anti-Natural slurs at her. Also, she has to prove to Ezalia that she can change their perception of Naturals upon finishing her training.

Since Flay had agreed with Ezalia to change the perception of ZAFT Coordinators, it's too late for her to back out now. She had signed the enlistment form two days ago, and she's no longer a civilian. Now Flay herself has to undergo ZAFT military training, and she has to adjust herself to her new military life together with Coordinators. 'Alright Flay, today's your first day in ZAFT forces. Do give the best impression to them.' Flay reminds herself. Soon it was her turn to register, and Flay stepped forward as instructed.

"Please show me your ZAFT military identity card, miss." a Green ZAFT soldier requests Flay's identity card while sitting in the registration booth. Flay obliged his request and passed him her ZAFT military identity card. Upon receiving her card, he looked at the card and was astonished to see Flay's full name and she was a Natural. Believed that there was a mistake on the enlistment list, the Green ZAFT soldier quickly scans through the enlistment list to ensure that Flay wasn't on the list. However, he soon realized that there was no mistake on the enlistment list, as he saw Flay's full name appeared on it.

Immediately, the Green ZAFT soldier calls in his supervisor via a walkie talkie, as he sensed that something was really wrong when he found a Natural like Flay got enlisted. Within a minute, a lady wearing the elite Red ZAFT Uniform with a nametag named 2nd-Lieutenant Shiho Hahnenfuss appears as she approaches her subordinate. "Madam, we got a Natural trying to enlist herself as a recruit for the ZAFT forces." The Green ZAFT soldier informs Shiho as he passes Flay's identity card to her. As she looks at the identity card, Shiho's eyes widen in disbelief once she sees the word 'Natural' printed on it. Never in her life did she encounter a Natural joining ZAFT and undergo military training alongside Coordinators.

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