S1 - Ep 3: The Not-So-Dull Summer Camp - pt 2 [Revised]

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Before we begin, I want to address something real quick: I got a complaint regarding the revised version of Camila in chapter two. I understand the complaint, and I realize that, at first glance, it might seem like I am twisting Camila's character. I can see the concerns, but I want you all to bear with me. I'm planning something for her character as the story goes on.

As you all know, in the original version of All For Luz, Camila was a very absent character and had hardly any screen/page time. This changes in this pseudo-rewrite. However, I needed to give her a character arc, and this is what I've chosen. If you don't like it, then by all means do so. I'm not asking you to like it. This is the route I've chosen, and while I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to go about it, I like this route because I, personally, like Drama and this is very Dramatic.

Also, before I start the chapter, please try to read the surrounding material around the events of the story before leaving a comment regarding said events in the future. It tends to clear up any confusion. And if you can't understand that surrounding material be it because you cannot comprehend it, then please, instead of being a jerk about asking me, do so politely. I have a special policy regarding how I interact with commenters. You start the conversation nicely, I continue to be nice. You come at me with some kind of rude statement or angry comment, you get the same energy back.

And for anyone who says I'm glorifying the concept of abuse for my story and says that I support abuse, I would like you to please direct yourself away from my story, and go find something else to read. I would appreciate it if you didn't leave a comment because if you do, I'll delete it. I won't tolerate any Keyboard Warrior nonsense. It spits in the face of discussion and ignores the fundamental reason why fiction exists in the first place. After all, this is all purely fictional. The events of the story are make-believe. If you can't handle it, then begone. It might seem outlandish, but I have seen far too many fics have those kinds of comments, and it drives me up the bend.

That being said, onto the chapter!

[Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids!! – By: The Oral Cigarettes]

[The "Not-So-Dull" Summer Camp – Part 2]

[3 days ago]

Reality Check Summer Camp. A camp located in the wilds in Springfield, Connecticut. It was a privately owned Summer Camp, given a license by the Government. The people who worked at the camp had been previously getting ready for a new batch of kids this summer, and everyone was excited. Events were being planned out, as were activities, most of which were already nearing completion.

At least, that was what had been happening. All work ceased immediately when a black limo sporting the logo of the Connecticut government pulled up. Nobody knew what was going on. All they knew was that a group of men in business suits walked out, and made their way to the office of the Camp Counsellor.

Twenty minutes had passed since their arrival, and most of the staff had no idea what was going on in there. The truth of the matter was that a deal was being hashed out. A deal that would change the fates of everyone at that camp. A deal that would make or break the state.

A deal that would potentially have generation-defining consequences.

"What do you mean you're commandeering the camp?! On what grounds!?" A man with tan skin, black slicked-back hair, and the beginnings of a mustache on his upper lip exclaimed, eyebrows knit in a furious rage as his eyes narrowed, staring down the person sitting in front of him.

The man, the camp counsellor for Reality Check Summer Camp, wore an open-face brown button-up vest with the camp's symbol in badge form on the left breast pocket, revealing a purple long-sleeve shirt underneath. A pair of black khaki shorts covered his waist and stopped at his knees, alongside a pair of white knee-high socks and black timberland hiking boots.

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