S1 - Ep 9: Search and Steal - Part 3 [Revised]

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I gotta say, I love all of the theories that everyone's coming up with. Believe me, y'all are not ready for what I have planned to come. Some of you might hate it, but I plan to take this story into a far more... interesting route than what I'm sure you all are probably thinking.

Also, just so you all are aware, if you're wondering who I personally believe Tyler would sound like, it would be DIO from JJBA, specifically his Japanese voice actor. If you haven't heard his voice before, which I doubt any of you haven't, then you'd know why.

Also, Maxwell would be voiced by the person who voiced Obito from Naruto.

Anyway, onto the chapter!

[Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids!! – By: The Oral Cigarettes]

[Search and Steal – Part 3]

When Luz awoke, she did so with a headache. She could see the rays of sunlight peaking in through the entrance of the cabin, which alerted her that it was early morning, and after having woken up, she felt amazing. Both because she was able to give that jerkass in her head a piece of her mind, and, she also no longer felt like clawing her hair out due to tiredness.

Although, there was one thing that she wasn't exactly fond of. And that was what she had done last night. As she sat up in bed, she looked down at her hands and frowned. A sight more common than not, but this time, there was a twist. Instead of staring at her palms, she looked at her fingers, which were covered in plant-like growths that began to twirl and twist, until they rose to three inches above where her fingers typically ended.

Vines. The name and ability of Julia Wittebane's Quirk. It was within her possession, and it both felt wrong and right to have. Wrong, because she had taken it from Julia—albeit willingly on Julia's part—and right because, well, she no longer had that empty feeling inside of her. She now had something to fill the void that had made her feel empty.

Well, when she awoke All For One, of course. She couldn't remember feeling like that before she had the power she now had. Though, she guessed it made sense. She was never depressed, just perpetually annoyed and filled with contempt for those who went out of their way to slight her. Oh, and of course joy and all that stuff when she was actually doing what she liked. But that was semantics.

She undid the ability, the plant-like growths disappearing back into her skin as she glanced over to her immediate right. Julia was not in bed, though Arla, who had bunked above her, was still curled up, snoring away as one would. Off in the rear of the cabin, Stanley was just waking up, and across from him was Judy, who was sprawled out on her mattress.

Above her, she could hear Carla purring like a cat would whilst she slept. It was a little surreal, but, then again, who was she to judge? The rest of the beds were empty, so that didn't matter. Stanley glanced over at her, nodding in her direction. He fished out something from his suitcase at the back—most likely his pack of cigarettes. From what she knew, he was on his last few.

He stood up, and walked over to Luz, before gesturing for her to follow him. She followed his lead, and walked out of the cabin, at the same time as the other guys from the other cabin. When she stepped out, he glanced over at her, before taking his lighter, opening his pack of cigarettes, and putting it in his mouth, before lighting it.

Luz pinched her nose, not wanting it to get into her system, something he cracked a smirk at. As he took of puff from the cancer stick, he breathed it out into the sky, before taking the cigarette out of his mouth and letting it linger next to him in his hand away from Luz. "So, you wanna explain what I heard last night?"

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