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Taehyung and Taejung are already standing in one of the tree at the park, the weather seems too perfect for today's outing. It's not too hot and not too cold at the same time, the sun is shining with some cotton like clouds scattered around the sky.

"Papa, are we going to eat lunch?" the little alpha asked.

"Yes sweetcheeks, after that someone arrived okay?"

The two of them occupied themselves with the view around the park when something from the omega's peripheral vision caught his attention, turning his head towards that direction and there he saw, someone is walking towards them.

It's been four years but he still look the same, he doesn't look like a CEO right now in the way he dressed himself with those black aesthetics he used to wear, he still have the same doe eyes and the same smile though his feature may be sharper and his hair is longer and darker but Taehyung can still feel that he's still the Jungkook he knows from years ago. The omega offered him a smile and a wave of his hands.

Once Jungkook step out from his car, his heart beat seems to double. He feels like he just run a marathon, he put his hand on his chest feeling his heart and take a deep breath before he walks further.

After walking for some time, not too far from him, someone is standing under the tree. His hair is not silver grey and styled with little curl anymore instead it's black in color and straight. He still have that boxy grin but his bread cheeks is a little bit gone.

He seems to be a little slimmer but he still wear those kind of pastel sweaters he used to wear before. He's still beautiful. Jungkook waved back at him.

The alpha walk towards them until he spotted someone, little someone holding Taehyung's hand, too busy watching the other kids that are playing at the park. Taejung seems to notice his presence getting closer as it turns his attention towards Jungkook, his little doe eyes doubled in size as he takes his father's appearance walking until he let go of Taehyung's hand and run towards the alpha with open arms ready to catch each other for a hug.

"Daddy!" little Taejung shouts and throw himself towards his dad who catch him and twirl him around.

Taehyung is quietly watching them, with glassy eyes and subtle sniffles. You can't blame him, he never really get his hopes up that this kind of scene will happen right in front of his eyes. That scene where his son will finally hold and smile with his dad.

"Oh my god, baby. I'm so happy right now" Jungkook mumbled nuzzling his son's neck breathing in his calming and soft scent just like how he imagine it to be.

"Daddy, why cwying?" Taejung asked with confusion, slowly wiping his dad's tears that cause the alpha to cry more.

"Daddy is just happy, it's tears of happiness" the alpha said and give a peck on his son's forehead.

Jungkook walk towards Taehyung while carrying Taejung in his arms. Once they stand face to face, the alpha slowly lift his hand, wiping the omega's tears with his warm hands.

"You're crying" Jungkook whisper.

"Oh look who's talking" Taehyung said chuckling.

"Papa, daddy no cwying" Taejung whine that cause both of them to burst into laughter.

"So what does my baby want to do first?" Jungkook asked still carrying his son.

"I'm hungwy, wanna eat" the little alpha said while pouting.

"Okay then... Tae where should we eat?" the alpha asked the omega who seems so quiet and just finished typing something on his phone.

"There's a restaurant just in front of this park, Ara's Restaurant"

"Ara's restaurant? That's Jin hyung's"

"Jin hyung? Oh god, the one you said to have a big mouth for an omega?" Taehyung laugh.

"Yeah, that's him. I didn't know you know his restaurant"

"Ah we just happened to eat there before"

"Papa, I'm hungwy~" the little one whine louder.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry baby. C'mon let's go and eat" Taehyung said and they all walk towards the restaurant.

95. both of you cried, wdym?

 both of you cried, wdym?

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96. Jiminie 😭

 Jiminie 😭

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