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The next day, it's Saturday. The little family decided to hang out, get some groceries, eat outside and do their weekly ice cream dates.

When they arrived at the mall, Taejung insisted that he wants to ride inside the shopping cart, whining here and there that Taehyung doesn't have any choice but to agree.

"Papa, I want that candies!" Taejung said pointing at the different gummies in the rack.

"No, your teeth will going to fall off if you keep eating candies like that" Taehyung scold, keep walking.

"Daddy" Taejung called with his puppy eyes, he knows really well that his dad Jungkook will not say no to him. At the same time, Taehyung look at Jungkook with his brows raised and challenging eyes.

"Maybe next time buddy" Jungkook said but when Taehyung turn his back again, he signaled Taejung to keep quiet as he was holding a bag of gummy candies. The little alpha smiled and send an okay sign with a smile so wide.

Jungkook is walking right behind them, roaming his eyes around when someone called his name.

"Jungkook? Bro!" someone called.

"Oh! Yugyeom bro!" Jungkook happily said going in for a hug.

That cause Taehyung to stop walking too and watch the little scene.

"How are you? It's been a long time!" Yugyeom asked.

"I'm okay, happy and all" Jungkook chuckle "How 'bout you?"

"I'm alright, currently buying some weird stuffs for my wife. Y'know pregnancy and all" Yugyeom chuckled.

"You're going to be a dad? Bro, congrats!"

"Thanks, how about you? What are you doing here?" Yugyeom asked.

"Ah we're doing grocery shopping" Jungkook said smiling.


"Yeah, we" and he points at where Taehyung and curious Taejung is.

"Oh my god! Kim Taehyung?" Yugyeom asked walking towards Taehyung.

"The one and only" Taehyung said smiling.

"You two really did end up together huh" Yugyeom teased, wiggling his brows to Jungkook when someone caught his eyes.

"Oh god, is this little angel your son?" Yugyeom asked cooing at Taejung who's looking curiously at them.

"Yes, c'mon Taejungie say hi" Taehyung said with soft voice

"Hi daddy's friend, I'm Taejungie" the little alpha said timidly, waving his hand a little

"God, he's so cute! Hi, I'm Yugyeom" Yugyeom said waving his hand too

"He looks so cute, he looks like his daddy Jungkook a lot"

"Well, we heard that a lot" Taehyung chuckle the same goes to Jungkook.

"Anyway, I'm going to go now. I don't want an angry preggy to yell at me all day" Yugyeom chuckle.

"Damn, good luck future dad" Jungkook said tapping his friend's shoulder.

"Oh by the way, Soohyun made a small gathering of our college batch at Blue Lights. I hope I see you two there" Yugyeom said.

"We'll see, send us the details just in case" Jungkook said, Yugyeom nod and walk away waving at Taejung as he walks.

After, they spend the day strolling around the mall, eating at some homey restaurant and eat their ice cream with superly excited Taejung.

149. tired

The next day, Jungkook go to his office waiting for Namjoon

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The next day, Jungkook go to his office waiting for Namjoon. Sitting behind his desk doing some of his paper works.

"Hey, Kook. You asking for me?" Namjoon said as soon as he entered the office and sit in front of Jungkook.

"Ah yes, I'm going to tell you something. But promise me you won't decline it"

"Decline? Why?" Namjoon asked confused.

"Just promise me" Jungkook insisted.

"Okay, okay. Fine, I promised" Namjoon swear, raising his hand.

"Remember the house my mom gave me at Busan?" the younger asked and Namjoon nodded.

"Me and Taehyung decided to move there and stay there for good"

"Well, isn't that great?"

"Yeah, it is. So, I'm going to leave you this company. I'll give you my position as CEO as I will resign before we go to Busan" Jungkook said looking directly at Namjoon's shock expression.

"What the fuck? Are you sure? You're dad will going to get mad at you!" Namjoon exclaimed

"I'm sure, a hundred percent sure. And don't worry about dad, I already talked to him" Jungkook assured.

"So are you going to take it and be the CEO of this company?" the younger asked raising his eyebrows.

"Do I have a choice?" Namjoon sigh "I'll take it"

"Great! Thanks hyung!" Jungkook said tapping Namjoon's shoulder.

"But what about you? What are you going to do for a living?" the older asked.

"I'm going to make my first dream come true"

Namjoon looks at him expectedly.

"I'm going to build my own photography studio" then Jungkook smiled.



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