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He arrives at the Sun's café at 4:05, he doesn't care if he's late in fact it's great that he's later than Hara. He opened the door with a slight dangling of the bell, he walks further spotting Hara sitting at the very last corner almost secluded from the crowd.

When he stopped in front of the table where Hara is sitting, the omega seems busy typing something on her phone that she didn't notice someone standing in front of her until he tap the table.

"Hey, Jeo-" Hara stopped confusion swimming in her eyes, looking in front of her.

"Hi! Didn't expect me to be here? Well, basically I'm a Jeon too. Jeon Seokjin" Jin said sitting in front of Hara

"But I'm a Kim now because I'm married to Namjoon, oh god I'm not here to storytell my love story" Jin said ang laugh a little

"What are you doing here?" Hara asked.

"First, fix yourself. You look like you've seen a ghost well in fact I'm far more beautiful than a ghost" Seokjin said a little playful.

"Where's Jungkook?" Hara asked, voice flat.

"Oh him, my baby brother's doing much more important matter y'know" Seokjin said "Like family"

"But anyway, I'm here to talk to you" Jin started putting the folders on top of the table.

"I think that night I told you to stay away from my brother is not really clear to you isn't it?"


Seokjin is behind the counter currently counting the profit for today and organizing everything before he close the shop and go home too but, the omega feel something weird in his stomach like telling him that something isn't right.

He shrugged it off continuing what he's doing but then it gets stronger, the feeling of something is wrong get stronger. The last time he felt it when Jungkook was in high school and get into trouble with some gang kids before.

Jin search for his phone at the back pocket of his jeans and opened it slightly squinting his eyes because of the sudden brightness. he tapped the location app on his phone.

Jungkook and him have this stupid agreement before that they should share each other's location ever since Jungkook got drunk in one of the bar and can't drive.

Once he scanned the location for Jungkook he saw that the red dot is moving not towards Jungkook's penthouse where he currently live but towards the direction of the house from their wedding day.

Seokjin got confused, he know damn well that Jungkook doesn't want to step inside that house and now he's driving towards it?

"Shit" Seokjin curses, the weird feeling in his stomach got stronger.

"Hey Mina, can you please stay here a little longer I just have some emergency going on" Seokjin said pocketing his phone and tightly holding his car keys.

"Sure, Seokjin hyung. Take care" Mina said with a smile, she's one of the trusted worker here in Ara's Restaurant.

"Thanks Mina, I'll see you later" Jin said waving his hand and walking straight to where his car is parked.

Seokjin started to drive while keep trying to call Jungkook but no one is answering it.

Usually, Jungkook always pick up his calls in the first two rings, so Seokjin is sure something is really wrong.

He arrive at the house, luckily there isn't any traffic. Once he got out from the car, the omega saw Jungkook's car. He's really here, the omega sigh.

Seokjin walks inside, it's so quiet until he heard the door being closed. He roam his eyes around and finally walks towards the room where he heard the sound.

Once he opened the door, he was welcome by a drunk and knock out Jungkook sprawled on the bed with Hara on top of him, currently stripping his shirt by opening all the buttons.

Seokjin was about to stop her when he spotted a phone, camera open and filming what's happening. The omega grab the phone and smash it hard on the floor that cause Hara to startle and look at his direction.

"Get the fuck out of here before I do something I might regret" Seokjin said his voice close to a growl.

Maybe, Hara got scared by the aura Seokjin is giving right at the moment that she almost jumped out of Jungkook's lap and stand on her feet.

"Don't you ever dare touch my brother. Once, I see you again trying something out of his knowledge, I'll be the one to kill the fuck out of you" Seokjin said, voice flat but eyes hard.

"Get out!"

And that's the cue for Hara to sprint out of the house.

End Of Flashback

"Oh, so based on your expression right now. You probably remembered what I said but oh well you still did this kind of shit trick" Seokjin said enjoying his time looking at how pale and sweating Hara is.

"I don't know if my brother is just dumb that he doesn't get your scent that you're not really pregnant or he just really doesn't care" Seokjin chuckle shaking his head "I'm sure it's the latter"

Seokjin straighten up, and pushing the folder in front of Hara.

"Since you're not saying anything, I'm here to let you sign this divorce paper right now in front of my eyes"

"Why would I?" Hara asked trying his voice to be steady.

"Ah, because I can ruin you much more than you can ruin my brother" Seokjin sweetly said tilting his head to the side while looking straight to Hara's eyes.

"You don't have anything against me" Hara said with a small smirk.

"Oh sweetie, don't underestimate me" Seokjin smirked pushing another folder to Hara.

Hara opened it, and now she look more paler and sweating a lot than before.

"See? I got something from you" Seokjin smile.

"You wouldn't do it" Hara said her voice trembling a little

"I will do it but, if you sign it without making fuss I wouldn't do it" Seokjin said picking at his fingers "So what do you say?"

It takes Hara a little longer before answering, maybe she's weighing things inside her head.

"I'll sign it" she whispered.

"Great!" Seokjin cheered.

Hara opened the divorce file and sign her name, signing it with a frown like it against her will, maybe it is against her will but Seokjin doesn't care.

After Hara finished signing, Seokjin grabbed all the folders towards him again. Fixing it against his chest.

"Y'know, they said my brother, Jungkook is such a sweetheart and kind for an alpha like him" Seokjin said with a soft voice.

"But me? I'm certainly mean for an omega" He smirked and get up from his seat.

"I advice you to not check your phone, stress can be bad for the baby" Seokjin said with a mocking voice before walking out of the cafe with a victorious smile.



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