06 » ❝And All That Jazz❞

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"I know a whoopee spot where the gin is cold and the piano's hot!"
- And All That Jazz, Chicago

CONFESSION NUMBER SIX: Scarlett's really beginning to hate Wednesdays.

        It's not the day in particular that she hates - because in all honesty, she has absolutely nothing against Wednesday itself, she'd even love to play Wednesday in The Addams Family Musical someday. It's the Spotlight performances associated with Wednesdays that puts her in a sour mood.

        "I'm telling you, she was better in Rock of Ages."

        "Are you kidding me? Catherine Zeta-Jones was iconic as Velma Kelly."

        "True, but her rendition of 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' was-"

        "-not as undeniably amazing as 'All That Jazz', and you know it."

        "Okay, you got me there," Parker admits, folding and returning to his lunch. The two had gone from debating the Footloose cast to which movie Catherine Zeta-Jones was more outstanding in - though no one really knows the answer, considering that she was fabulous in both - and April, Audrey, Peyton and Chase smirk at the two as Alex pulls up a chair. "Alex, would you please tell your cousin that Catherine Zeta-Jones was better in Rock of Ages than she was in Chicago?"

        Alex looks horrified. "And risk that death glare for the next three Christmas dinners?" he asks, pointing to Scarlett, who's giving him a warning look. "Nah, I think I'll pass," he grins, "and she was better as Velma by far anyways," he points out, taking a bite of his cookie.

        "See! I told you!" Scarlett exclaims, punching Parker's shoulder playfully, evoking a few more suspicious glances from April, Audrey and Peyton.

        April perks up. "Oh guys, I just remembered," she starts, "it's Wednesday."

        Cue a series of irritated groans from the rest of the group.

        "Oh goody," Scarlett says, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Time for Mackenna to steal the spotlight once again. It's been three weeks, and she's performed quite the array of songs - everything from "Sandra Dee" from Grease to "Gorgeous" from The Apple Tree, choosing a select few students to serenade each time - most of which were from Scarlett's group of friends, naturally. Scarlett still has trouble seeing why Mackenna's the supposed face of popular at Mackenzie High - she's mean, conceited, and she enjoys vocally singling-out people she doesn't like in public. Who would consider that grounds for the height of popularity? Except for the fact that she sang the song.

        Scarlett takes another bite of her sandwich before the lights go out completely, the spotlight roams the crowd before darting over to Mackenna almost immediately. If they'd wanted to make it less obvious that she was making the spotlight guys pick her, they were doing a pretty lousy job. Mackenna walks up to the stage (now sporting ridiculously tall pink heels that Scarlett can't even imagine being able to walk in) and stops in front of the microphone, smiling brightly as she does every week.

        But there's something about the smile she's giving everyone now that leaves Scarlett particularly unsettled, and there's a feeling in the pit of her stomach that she can't shake, as if something bad is going to happen. She brushes it off and returns to her lunch, trying to avoid eye contact.

        "Hey there, Mackenzie Mustangs!" Mackenna chirps into the microphone. "Now usually - as you all know - I perform solo every Wednesday. And even though I know you'd all much rather hear me sing alone, I'm thinking that we should shake things up a little today."

Confessions of a Teenage Broadway StarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang