10 » ❝Tomorrow❞

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"Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun." 
- Tomorrow, Annie

CONFESSION NUMBER TEN: April, Audrey, Peyton and Scarlett are terrible at painting. Horrible. So unbelievably awful that they have to dial up Alex and drag him out to Peyton's new house just to save her family from having to move again. 

         And Alex, unsurprisingly, is on a Leonardo DaVinci level of painting. 

         "You guys didn't even tape off the door frames?" Alex asks in horror, inspecting the job that the girls have done so far with wide, unblinking eyes. "That's it," he says, pulling out his cellphone, "I'm calling Parker and Chase. We need backup, pronto." 

         "Hey! We tried our best! It's not our fault we're not art majors," April defends, crossing her arms. 

         Alex grins. "It doesn't take an art major to know that you have to stir the paint before you put it on the wall," he points out. 

         "Well, not everyone can be as smart as you, now can they?" 

         "Hey, you two lovebirds!" Audrey calls from across the room, wiping a droplet of light blue paint off of her forehead. "Get a room!" 

         Scarlett rolls her eyes and pours some more paint into the tray, unwrapping a brand-new roller (courtesy of their morning trip to the dollar store) and gets to work while the others flirt/fight it out. Chase and Parker show up in record time, and Parker doesn't skip a beat before heading straight for Scarlett to explain himself. "Hey Scarlett, I've been meaning to talk to you-" 

         "Could you pass me that paintbrush over there?" 

         "Uh, yeah, sure - but what I was going to say was-" 

         "Audrey, did you get the can opener?" 


         "You know, you could just say yes. You don't have to go crazy with the adjectives that sound like they're straight out of Anything Goes."

         "Aye, aye, Captain!" 

         "Anyways Scarlett, I was really hoping that I would get a chance to talk to you before school on Monday-" 

         Scarlett stands up, paintbrush in hand. "Can it wait? Because I've got to get home by six, but Peyton really needs our help to get this room done," she dismisses him again, trying not to sound as hostile as she feels. 

         Parker looks wounded for a moment, but doesn't stand in her way. Scarlett makes her way across the room and begins to paint, but she can still feel Parker's eyes on her, even as each wall goes from a bland white to a sky blue within a few hours, and by five-thirty, they're completely finished. April's helping Scarlett take the tape off of the doorframe (April starting from the left and Scarlett from the right) when they meet in the middle. "You need to talk to him," April says, but it's more of an order than a suggestion. 

         "Huh?" Scarlett asks distractedly, but she knows she sounds unconvincing. 

         "Look at him," April tries, "he's been trying to get your attention all day, and you're pushing him away," she points out. "You're torturing him. Why?" she asks, and Scarlett shrugs. 

         "I don't know what you're talking about." 

         She really doesn't. Ever since he got here, Parker's been stealing glances and looking at Scarlett every chance he's gotten, and she really has no idea why. It's certainly got nothing to do with her current attire - unless pastel pink denim dungarees and braids have suddenly become attractive - so it must have something to do with the fact that she's completely blocked him out ever since she found out that he was dating Mackenna again.

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