25. Wooga Squad

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Dae Eun woke up in her apartment in Seoul and just stared at the ceiling. The events of the night before kept moving around in her head. He had taken her to his house, didn't that mean he was really serious about her? Or with being friends with her at least? She still couldn't believe it. She ran through each part of his apartment that she remembered, trying to catch more glimpses into his personality. There were pictures of his family, a home theatre system, artworks that looked like Picassos and framed photographs which he had taken himself from the different countries he visited when on tour. She wondered what his room looked like, and what his favourite colors were.

Dae Eun pulled herself out of bed. She had a lot of things to do. Taehyung promised to help her sell her produce today, and asked her to place an assortment in small bags with their calling card. Maybe he would distribute them as samples. When she stepped out of her room, Nana and Sunhee were at the table getting breakfast ready.

"Good morning, Eonni! Isn't this a beautiful day?" Sunhee greeted her with a wide smile.

"Come eat, you have a big day today. Go and sell all the produce we brought." Nana set her place on the table and poured her coffee.

"Where's Uncle Jun-Ho and Baek-Hyeon?"

"They went out early, taking a stroll around. Sunhee and I will go window shopping with them later, so take your time with Taehyungssi."

"Nana..." Dae Eun didn't want to start her day blushing. "But how will you get around?" She was bringing their cargo van and would fetch Taehyung at his apartment.

"Oh, we'll manage. Everything is close by." Nana was in high spirits. She felt Dae Eun was in good hands.

"Okay, I'll be back by dinner."

"Hmm... just message us when you're on your way home. I'm not sure if we'll be back by then."

"Nana! Where are you guys going?"

"Oh, I wanted to go catch a movie, but we'll see."

"I want to go to Lotte World!" Sunhee said.

Dae Eun saw that they seemed to have their plans set for the day. She wished she and her Taehyung-oppa could have fun too, instead of selling produce.

At 9 AM she parked in front of the pedestrian entrance of Taehyung's building and he walked out wearing a similar outfit again. She had to admit that he was not recognizable this way.

"Good morning, Dae Eun-ah," Taehyung greeted as he opened the door to the passenger side. "Let me drive."

"It's okay, Oppa. You're helping me a lot today. You need your strength." Dae Eun smiled at him. There were still 15 boxes of assorted items at the back of the van.

"Don't worry, Eun-ah, I think we can sell everything," he said confidently as he got in the van. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." She didn't mention that it took her a while to sleep because she was still a bit giddy when she got home.

"Okay, we'll try to do this as fast as we can." He started to give her directions as they drove through nearby areas. Then he asked her to park in a narrow alley between two high-end residential buildings at the Cheongdam-Dong district.

"Can we park here, Oppa?" Dae Eun was afraid they might be fined.

"We'll just be a few minutes, don't worry."

Dae Eun then saw a slim, tall man emerge from the side entrance of the building at their right, dressed similarly as her oppa. Taehyung asked her to unlock the back of the van as he stepped out to greet his friend.

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