50. On the Mend

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On the final night of their concert in Paris, as the lift lowered them below the stage amid the resounding screams of ARMY, the members pulled each other close in a very tight hug.

"We made it!" Namjoon exclaimed. Their heads were pressed together and Yoongi was crying beside him. Yoongi couldn't help but remember that time two years ago while they were still isolated from each other, he had felt so dejected thinking that ARMY had abandoned them. They didn't, and this tour proved it.

"We can move forward. We can be Bulletproof now." Hobi had been afraid that ARMY would reject the idea of their transformation from a young idol group, known mostly for their synchronized dance choreography, to an older one that would concentrate on the music of their generation. They had tried their best for this tour, but it was apparent that their dancing days were coming to a close. They could still project the persona onstage, but the execution would take too much of a toll and may result to lifelong injuries for the members.

"They still love us," Jimin affirmed between gasps of breath. He thought that ARMY would probably be shocked if they knew that the members often felt insecure about ARMY's love, but they did - especially after their long absence, especially now that they were not as young as they used to be. They needed that assurance and they tried their hardest to show their sincerity during this tour.

"We need to write more songs now, experience more things. We need to live." Yoongi didn't want them to be confined in a box anymore. They needed a fuller life to be able to express more genuine thoughts in their music.

They walked together down the long hallway to the artists' lounge, still catching their breath and glistening with sweat, but happy. Very happy. It felt like the love of their youth, their first love, whom they had neglected and almost forgotten, had forgiven them of the hurts of the past and vowed to love them again. Even Taehyung's spirits lifted. He set aside the aches in his body and his heart and embraced the love they received from ARMY. It was healing him.

Jin moved closer to Taehyung. "If you need to go to the hospital, hyung will take you," he said.

"I'm okay, hyung. I just need to rest a bit." Walking was starting to hurt but he knew from experience that he would feel better after a day or two of sleep.

"Hyung, I'll help you change." Jungkook was their CEO, but he would always be their youngest brother. He was very caring and fiercely protective of them.

Taehyung put his arm around Jungkook's muscular shoulders for support as they walked to the dressing rooms. Jimin followed and both of them helped Taehyung change out of his stage clothes. He couldn't do it on his own. When they were done Jimin helped him walk out. They would all be boarding separate SUVs back to their hotel, but Jimin knew that Taehyung's plans could change.

As they got near the exits where their vehicles would be parked, the hallways filled with more people, composed of staff, security, and stadium administration personnel. One person stood out from among them. Taehyung noticed a slim woman standing at one side of the hallway, looking uncertain of her surroundings. She seemed anxious, even afraid, until she saw him. He was so tired he felt his eyes were playing tricks on him. She looked like Dae Eun, but the woman's hair was short and she was too thin, and her clothes were not Dae Eun's style... but the closer he got the clearer he saw her. He broke free from Jimin and almost ran to her. She was shaking and he held her as gently as he could. She seemed so fragile.

"Dae Eun-ah," he whispered to her as she broke down and cried on his shoulder, telling him repeatedly that she was sorry. "I'm the one who should be sorry, Dae Eun." He held her head and let her cry, trying his best not to cry too at the sight of her, pale and gaunt. She had suffered so much.

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