57. Honsimari and Cenchi

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"Are you home, Eun-ah?" Taehyung called Dae Eun several hours after they landed at Gimpo. He had said goodbye to everyone on the plane and promised to see them again soon. He wanted to go ahead of them so that he could draw any crowd that may be around waiting for him, and they could leave the airport undisturbed using another exit.

"Yes Oppa, we just arrived. How was it?" Dae Eun had just gotten to her room after greeting her appa, Deok-Su and Ji-Yoo. She would return to her appa's house for their dinner later.

"There were a lot of fans waiting, but I was able to get into the SUV right away." The turnout had been double of what they expected, and ARMY and the reporters were throwing a lot of questions at him. Thankfully, the path from the exit to their vehicle was short and didn't allow for much interaction. He was able to dodge the questions after bowing respectfully to greet the people who were assembled to welcome him home.

"You didn't have any problems on the way home?" Dae Eun was afraid the fans would follow him all the way to his apartment.

"Actually I was ambushed."


"Do-Hyun hyung took me straight to the hospital. Someone must have told my parents what happened. They know what happened to you too, Eun-ah. They're worried about you." He was met by his parents at the hospital and he was immediately subjected to several tests prescribed by his doctor. His parents kept asking him if Dae Eun was alright, and if the girls who tried to harm her had been caught and penalized.

"What did the doctor say?" Dae Eun was touched by his parents' concern, and relieved that her oppa had gotten medical attention. She wanted him to see a doctor right away too, before their next concert.

"Everything's okay. He said I'm doing well. You and Kyubok Harabeoji really did wonders for me."

Dae Eun blushed when he included her. "He's expecting you here, Oppa. When can you come?"

"After the concert, Gongjunim."

"Oppa, I told appa about your plans for the 14th. He said okay, but he doesn't want a traditional honsimari and cenchi. We'll just be inviting our family here in Geumsan, about 30 people max. And he says you don't have to bring the traditional gifts. He just wants to talk about our plans."

"Please thank him for me, Eun-ah." Based on his last encounter with Dae Eun's appa, Taehyung didn't even know if he would be accepted in their home again. This news brought great relief to him. He had been anxious about how he and his family would be received on the 14th, but now he felt hopeful that all would turn out well.

"Have you looked at ARMY posts?"

"No, baby. Let's not do that." If he could put blinders on Dae Eun to prevent her from seeing something that could upset her he would. He was planning to discuss everything with the members when he met them tomorrow.

They said good night. It was the evening of the 12th. If everything went well at the honsimari, they would officially be betrothed on the 14th, seven days before Dae Eun's 28th birthday. In traditional Korean custom, they would already be considered married and it would be acceptable for him to take her to his home.


The next day, Taehyung walked into the conference room at JKL expecting to attend a meeting but it turned out to be a celebration. There was a banner congratulating him and champagne, pizza and cakes were laid out on the conference table. Each of the members hugged him and he hugged them tight. They had been through so much together and he was so happy to share this milestone of his life with them.

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