36. A New Year

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Dae Eun resigned herself to the fact that this was one of the things she needed to get used to as the girlfriend of an idol - and not just an idol, but of Kim Taehyung. She was almost okay with it, but as soon as ARMY started uploading their pictures on weverse wearing the trinity band in a variety of colors, she started losing confidence. They were all so beautiful and they blatantly confessed their love for her oppa. She found herself walking around with a headache on New Year's Eve and was very thankful that she would be heading back to Geumsan tomorrow. They started packing their things and they thoroughly cleaned the apartment since it would be leased for a whole month beginning January 5. They finished by late afternoon and she decided to take Sunhee and Baek-Hyeon out for dinner, so that they would not need to use the kitchen and clean it up all over again.

Her Taehyung-oppa was at JKL with the Bangtan members and would be calling her later. In the meantime, they all decided to camp out at the Olympic Park to catch the New Year's fireworks display and other events planned for the night. They were all bundled up in padded jackets and winter boots and decided on a meal of samgyeupsal and samgyetang. Sunhee had had her fill of fried chicken and already missed their food at home.

"Our samgyetang definitely tastes better." Baek-Hyeon said as he sipped the hot soup.

"Truly," Sunhee sighed. They used better ginseng, she thought, and native chicken which was tastier.

Dae Eun wondered if she should add that to their menu for the restaurant. If she had a chance to chat with him tonight, she would tell Taehyung about her plans and ask for his thoughts on it.

After dinner they started walking to the Olympic Park. She could see her oppa's apartment building from where she stood and wondered if he was already home. Soon enough he was calling her and she found herself cheering up at the sound of his voice.

"Where are you, Eun-ah? Have you had dinner?" he asked.

"Yes, we ate out tonight, Oppa. We're at the Olympic Park, waiting for fireworks."

"But it's cold outside. Wait, I'll fetch you."

"It's okay. We wanted to stretch our legs. We may head back in a while. Where are you?"

"Still here at JKL. We're discussing the tour. We're a little worried because of the turnout at last night's live. Dae Eun-ah... are you okay? Are you mad at me?"

"No, why would I be?" she lied.

"Our bracelets are everywhere now." He was afraid knockoffs would be sold soon too.

"It's okay, Oppa. It's not your fault." She wanted to cry though, because something so special to her had become the property of so many people.

"We may finish very late tonight. What time are you heading home tomorrow?"

"We'll leave at around 8 AM so we can be home before lunch. They're a little homesick now and they miss Geumsan food."

"Okay, I'll bring you home. I have nothing planned tomorrow."

"No, Oppa. The roads are slippery. We can manage."

"I want to. I'll be there at 8 AM."

"Oppa..." But he already hung up before she could stop him. This wasn't a good idea. It snowed on and off, and she didn't know how good a driver her oppa was. Still, she missed him and wanted the chance to be with him for the three-hour drive. It was his drive back to Seoul that she was worried about. She would never allow him to drive alone.


He arrived at their doorstep at 8 AM on New Year's Day, and Sunhee kept smiling at him and sending googly eyes at Dae Eun.

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