37. Vacationing in Coron

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Taehyung was at JKL practicing one of the tougher sequences of their setlist with the Bangtan members. Blood, Sweat, and Tears, Fire, Idol and Mic Drop - they were trying to do the full songs, just to see if it was still possible. If not, they would do a medley instead. But they all preferred the full numbers because they felt ARMY deserved it for staying loyal to BTS despite their long absence.

They weren't doing so well. They were out of breath by Idol and were dragging their limbs at Mic Drop.

"This won't do," Hobi said. "We have to build stronger stamina if we're going to do the full songs."

"Who came up with this setlist?" Jin asked.

"We all agreed on it," Namjoon reminded him.

"It will make ARMY happy. So let's just beat ourselves up and make it happen." Suga's shoulder was beginning to hurt. He had surgery years ago to fix a chronic pain caused by an old injury, but his shoulder was never quite the same. Still, he was willing to give everything for this tour since this would be the last time they would be performing these songs.

"Jimin-ah, how are you feeling?" Taehyung asked his best friend. Jimin had been breathing heavily throughout.

"I might meet my ancestors after this," Jimin said in between gasps of breath.

"We still have four months to practice. We can do this, hyungs." Jungkook knew his brothers. They always griped but they always pulled through in the end.

"Let's try again." Hobi said, and they all stood up to run through the four songs. This was nothing compared to the live performance, Hobi thought. That would require three times the energy, and they needed to push themselves now if they wanted to stand a chance of making it. These four numbers were the hardest hurdle, after that the others would be more manageable.

They gave full energy and dropped to the floor after Mic Drop. Everyone started groaning in exhaustion.

"Damn, were getting old." Namjoon exhaled.

"Joonie, it's been more than ten years. We shouldn't even be doing this." Jin sat up and looked at everyone splayed out.

"Can we do this?" Suga breathed hard. He felt as though his soul was separating from his body.

"We will." Hobi was confident they would pull through.

They gave it two more tries before calling it a day. The older members peeled themselves off the floor and headed home while the maknaes remained. Jungkook said he needed to get some work done at his office first, and he left Taehyung and Jimin still lying on the floor.

Taehyung sat up beside Jimin who still wasn't moving. He asked the staff for a bottle of water and placed it on Jimin's abdomen. Then he took out his phone and checked for messages from Dae Eun. She had taken her whole family to the Philippines for a two-week vacation. When he opened their chat box, he saw several pictures she posted of the resort they were staying in.

Oppa, look at how clear the water is. We can see all the way to the bottom.

 We can see all the way to the bottom

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