Chapter5: Overdose

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Lando's POV

The slight swaying of the yacht against the waves of the water went unnoticed as people continued to party the night away.

We stood at the end of the bar. I forgot what we were talking about but Charles and Pierre were deep in conversation. It was there, trying to make sense of a language I didn't understand when I saw her again.

The chattering group of girls had just walked onto the deck. I recognised them from the bar we were at earlier. All beautiful in their own way, you could tell from looks alone that they had slightly different personalities from one another.

Of the four of them, one held my attention the most. Her hair was a shiny jet black and it bounced at the tip of her shoulders. Her face, soft and endearing. She was beautiful in a girl next door kind of way, familiar looking. I watched her from the corner of my eyes, longer than I cared to admit.

She wore a little olive dress with spaghetti straps and black sandal heels. The back had a low cut and exposed the curved line of her spine with two dimples perfectly placed just above where the material met her skin. God I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

It was when she laughed that I noticed the other details of her face. A nose ring glistening under the moon and eyes almost shut from her big smile. Seeing this made me smile too. I exhaled and took a sip of my drink hoping no one noticed.

"If you stare a little longer, they might just notice you stalking them from across the room." It was Pierre talking. He put his arm around me and took a sip of his whiskey too.

"Maybe that's the vibe he's going for," joked Charles. "I'm not even sure he knows what to do with a woman. Can you imagine four of them. They would eat him alive no?" The two drivers were beside themselves with laughter teasing their friend.

"Maybe that's what he needs right now, he looks like he's still painfully in love with someone else." Max had joined in on the banter.

Turning around to face the bar, I raised my eyebrows at my friends mischievously. "I'm not in love with anyone." I joked, not 100% sure that I believed the words myself but I didn't care.

"Prove it..." said Max with a smirk.

"I think he doesn't have the balls to. She probably left with those too." Pierre gave me a quick push and a knowing wink before leaving to greet the girls.

"Ladies, ladies, glad you could make it."


Liv's POV

"He's looking at you again," Zoey whispered in my ear as we danced to David Guetta.

"No, he's not. It's been like an hour and besides there's two of us. He could easily be looking at you too," I said swaying my hips seductively from side to side. Secretly, I'd noticed it too.

She spun me around and I closed my eyes lost in the music. I made a mental note to stop drinking at that point. Zoey's hands reached for my waist while she buried her face in the gap between my shoulder and head, hugging me from behind. I loved my friends so much. I was happy they came with me on this trip.

"Nope. There's only two of you now," she said in my ear before kissing my cheek and sneaking off to rejoin the others.

Nothing could've prepared me for the buildup leading to this moment. From the minute we got here... No. From the minute he slid behind me at the bar earlier I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I watched him watch me and we'd barely said two sentences to each other all night. The anticipation made me feel like a mouse being hunted.

I knew my friends were watching too, waiting to see how this would unfold.

Our eyes met briefly as he took the last step closing the gap between us. I bit my lip to hide my smile but I think he still noticed.

He'd ditched the sunglasses celebrity look too, making it easier for me to take his facial features in. 'Norris' flashed me a smile as he did a quick shimmie dance with his shoulders and I felt my lady parts tingle. He was really good looking.

In an instant, my whole body got electrocuted from the shock of a cold hand against the bare skin of my back. It forced me to slightly jump into his arms. He caught me without even flinching.

"Your hand is freezing!" This exchange made us both laugh. A little ice breaker.

"I haven't seen you around here before." A hint of a British accent.

"I'm not from here, I'm imported. Can't you tell?" I responded back coyly, moving my hands over the unbuttoned shirt of his hardened chest and placing them around his oddly thick neck to get into a better dancing position.

Our faces inches apart, I looked up at him from under my lashes and noticed he'd stopped smiling but still had a soft expression. My eyes shifted naturally toward something I was curious about and started tracing the lining of his upper lip.

He took this as an opening to hold me at the waist, pressing his index fingers into the dimples on my back like a controller. My heart started racing. The pressure of his fingers were unexpected but felt good. I looked back into his blue eyes and he let out a small whimper and tilted his head back.

I think I forgot how to breathe.

He parted his lips slightly and then asked me, "Do you wanna get out of here?"


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