Chapter 24 - The One I Won't Let Get Away

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Lando's POV

Liv's eyes fall away as a peculiar expression crosses her face. Something hints behind the black of them and I can only hope she's thinking about it but still she says nothing.

Instead she types something up on her phone before placing it down with a deep sigh and running her hands through her hair.

"Olivia please say something?" My heart is beating fast out of my chest but I won't let her know.

The iPhone on the table pings and the team ceo's daughter stands up to make her way towards the staff exit at the back of the restaurant.

"Olivia what the hell?", I gasp. Getting up without giving it a thought, I follow her out of the restaurant as she continues giving me the cold shoulder. The only sound from her comes from the clicking of her black heels as she struts even faster.

We're speed walking through the back of the lobby when I grab her by the wrist. I've come to regret every time I've let her walk away and if tonight is going to be another one of those then at least let it be after I've given it my all. I need to try and make her see where I'm coming from.

"Fucking hell Liv?! We need to talk about this." That came out sounding more frustrated than it needed to.

The young woman stops dead in her tracks but yanks her wrist forcefully free from my hold. She does it with such intent that it surprises me. Was telling her how I felt even a good idea at this point?

"You've talked enough Lando," she says throwing her hands in the air. "All you EVER do is just talk." Any louder and she would've been screaming the words at me.

It's a little after 11pm and the lobby is quiet. Most of the people we know are either in bed or out partying but a random couple waiting for an elevator not too far away from us notices the commotion. The lady cranes her head around her companion to get a better look.

"We're not doing this here Liv." I reach for her hand firmly again and she tries to shift but reluctantly lets me lead her to the emergency exit opposite the elevator. We step into the empty stairway as I release her from my sweaty palm.

Her wavy black hair frames the emotion rising on her face. "I hate you so much Lando." Olivia makes her best effort at trying to throw a fist at my chest but I catch it easily. She tries again with her other hand but it's a lot weaker which makes it that much easier to catch too.

I'm reminded of how small she physically is. This whole time I never even thought of what her reaction might be, never once stopped to consider that maybe she no longer had any interest in me. After all, she had been spending time with Mick.

"You don't mean that," I say with less confidence.

"No matter how much I distance myself from you, something always brings me back. And like always, I'm the one who gets hurt.  I won't let you do it again." She says this with a heavy breath as a single tear rolls down her face. "I don't care that you say you're in love with me."

I really went and made a mess of this one. I hate to see her like this knowing it's somehow because of me. The walls feel like they're caving in and I give into my emotions. I don't mind losing my composure if being vulnerable with Liv will show her a side to me she hasn't seen before.

Taking her soft face gently in my hands, I lift her head up so we're face to face. "Liv I know I messed up and I'm incredibly sorry that I hurt you in the ways that I did. I'm not perfect, I have my flaws and yes I got scared but-"

"-Please stop," she says with another tear rolling down her face. Gently, I wipe the fresh wetness away with the skin of my thumb.

"I'll stop if you answer me this one question; why did you come to my driver room yesterday?"

She looks at me wide eyed like I've just insulted her. "To make sure you were okay."

"Why?" I press painfully.

"What do you mean why?"

"Why did you come to my driver room to make sure I was okay?"

"Because we were all worried!" The olive skinned woman reaches for my cradling hands and removes them from her face.

"Bullshit Liv!" I throw my head back and chuckle maybe out of fear or hope or possibly even both because now I'm certain she's not being honest. Her eyes always give her away.

"What the hell do you want from me Lando?!"

"You Olivia! I want you." I should've told her a long time ago but here we are. "Tell me some part of you doesn't want me and I'll leave you alone forever."

"I don't want you. There I said it," she says almost immediately. "Now please leave me alone." Her breathing deepens as she closes her eyes again. She's done a great job at having a poker face tonight but it's starting to fade away.

Slowly close the gap between us, I draw her body closer to mine and she doesn't object. My arms round her shoulders in a protective hug and I feel the tension leave her body. I make a silent pact to never be the reason she cries or is in pain ever again.

"You have to say it like you mean it Liv... If tonight is all we have in it's entirety, I need to know how you really feel." The words brush against her ear while the dust gathers all around us.

"I don't...," her wine perfumed breath slow dances with the hairs standing on the back of my neck.

"I don't want you," she says pulling her face back before opening her eyes to stare into mine. They're searching for something deeply, perhaps looking for someone behind them they used to know. "I don't want you to hurt me."

Placing her hands in the center of mine, I kiss them endearingly. "I won't."

"But you have Lando."

"Do you feel anything at all for me Liv?"

She shifts her body weight from one leg to the other and says, "Your accident in the rain, if that was it, our last good memory would've been outweighed by the ugliness that followed after. I hated that. I have feelings for you but that doesn't make what's happened in the past okay."

"How can I make it right?" I ask eagerly.

"You can start by doing more than you say but I don't know Lando, I need to think about it."

Liv's phone rings and she pulls it out of her Jean pocket to reveal the caller ID, Mick Schumacher calling...

"I have to go," she says straightening up and wiping away the residue on her face.

"I don't want you to go." Because I honestly didn't and now that I've told her how I feel, I can't help but think that in some way she's choosing him over me. 'Do more than you say.' That's easier said than done Liv but fuck it, I'm going to earn your love and keep my driver seat at McLaren too. One way or another.

I pull her close to me one last time and our lips meet. Her soft lips welcome me when I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her kisses are my favourite brand of wine.

"To help you think," I say.


A/N: Thank you to everyone who keeps reading, commenting and voting. 10k reads 🧡

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