Chapter 41 - A B C D E "F-U"

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Liv's POV

My aching feet pace absentmindedly through the aisles of the fancy Tumi store as I try desperately to hold back the unsettling sensation that's growing in the depths of my stomach.

This sudden and foreign feeling tightens it's knot in my belly and makes me feel queasy and on edge. It twists and turns like a caged bird desperate for freedom. I should've worn different shoes, my feet are already killing me from the long day.

As we navigate through the store, Zoey and I chat about my newfound freedom having had my cast taken off that morning. "Honestly, it feels a little weird but I guess that's normal. Im just glad I can finally scratch the inside of my palm and wash both of me hands."

We laugh and joke about other silly things when I pause momentarily in front of one of the larger than life posters of Lando in the store. It's always funny to me how off and a little unlike himself he looks in these big branded campaigns.

A fresh faced waitress glides by us, balancing a tray filled with alcohol free sparkling wine. She flashes me a friendly smile, reminding me that we're here for a special occasion. Lando and the team are hosting a Tumi x McLaren meet and greet at this very store in Abu Dhabi.

It's meant to be a brief event with only a few preselected McLaren fans and some sponsor executives. A small cheer can be heard coming from the crowd that's gathered outside when he walks by the glass doors with one of the brand representatives.

Pure excitement mingles with my anxiety, making me even more nauseous. I try to pretend not to notice when people take pictures and videos of me too. "It'll be over before you know it." Zoey tries her best to reassure me with a small squeeze.

I half laugh in response and remind myself that their interest in me is a byproduct of the occasion rather than any personal attachment. Although it's hard not to feel the weight of their gaze on me as we continue to navigate the store.

There is a sense of respect and admiration among the fans. They're eager to meet their favourite Formula One driver, and it's only natural for their curiosity to extend towards me as well considering I am his girlfriend but also the daughter of his team principal and CEO.

"As-salamu alaikum," says a man's husky voice from behind us.

"Wa alaikum salaam," responds Zoey. "Hello," I say, not really sure how else to respond but the man places his hand on his chest and smiles at us.

"Ms. Zoey Redfield?"


"Hassan Aziz. We spoke on the phone earlier."

"Ah, yes of course." My best friend tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiles nervously.

"Would you care to finish our discussion from earlier now?" He says tilting his head to one side, clearly flirting with her. "Face to face? I feel some things are best expressed in person." My attention shifts from her towards him, taking in his tall stature and strikingly handsome features.

He's clearly a man who knows how to make an impression but it's his lingering scent that subtly infiltrates the air around us that peaks my curiosity. The fragrance is both masculine and alluring and fits the mystery man who seems determined to win her over.

I grimace behind the sip of my drink when I notice the blood rush to her face. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I'm here with my friend and I'd hate to have to leave her —"

"Oh please! Don't mind me friend," I say cutting her off. "And you know Mr Aziz, she was just telling me how much she was looking forward to that chat, weren't you Ms. Zoey Redfield?"

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