Chapter7 - Tomorrow Night

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                               Lando's POV

"So you woke up and she was gone? As in completely ghosted you but like in real life?" asked Daniel.

The pair were heading back towards his driver room after finishing up free practice. It was their first day back on track after the summer break and that also meant catching up.

"Yup. No note or number scribbled on paper. Just nothing and I don't even know her name," I said sounding defeated.

There was nothing I would redo from that last night in Monaco, except maybe for the part where I woke up to an empty bed.

I know we both wanted it and from how things played out, I think we both enjoyed it and had fun. At least I did. Max told me not to think too much about it but something about that night keeps bugging me.

"You know Lando, I think it's time you started seeing someone you can talk to? Like a professional? Having imaginary one night stands with women that don't exist might be a little problematic my friend."

"I'm not lying! It really did happen. I just don't know why she left like that... and I came to you for advice, not to be made to feel like a complete idiot."

The boys were now in the driver room and sitting across from each other.

"I wanted to speak to someone who I thought would at least be able to give me a different perspective or maybe a better understanding of a woman's mind."

He was starting to get annoyed and didn't want to be there anymore. The number 4 driver stood up to get ready to walk out when his teammate put him in a headlock and lightly ruffled his hair.

"Sit down mate. I was only messing with you, no need to get so sensitive about it."

He released him from the headlock and ushered him to the chair in the corner.

"Nobody knows why women do the things that they do. Maybe she regretted it, maybe she didn't want to feel like one of the girls that get around with the drivers? Maybe it gave her a sense of power leaving you like that instead of waiting for you to kick her out in the morning?"

"I never would've done that," I interjected.

"Maybe she had to go back to someone else before they noticed she was gone, or maybe, just maybe, she really just wanted to go back to hers after you came on-"

"Erhm erhm..." Daniel was cut short by Charlotte entering the room. "We're going to start recording some stuff for social media in a few and I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"Charlotte..." we both interrupted quickly. "We were just talking about...," I turned to Daniel with a look of panic, "We were talking about how... some of our female fans react when they see our dear boy Lando here come on their screens."

"Come as in appear," I added clearly embarrassed by the whole thing. My nervous laugh not doing anything to help the situation.

"Yes, because why would Lando co-"

Charlotte scoffed in disbelief. "Let's just pretend like the last two minutes didn't happen okay? I need you both on your best behaviour today."

"Just today?," laughed Daniel.

"Yeah what's so special about today?" I was glad we were onto another topic.

They were soon interrupted by someone asking them to join the rest of their social media team in the McLaren hospitality. The idea was to shoot the boys candidly as they tried to guess F1 drivers from their baby pictures.

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