Chapter 43 - Wish On An Eyelash

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Lando's POV

The speeding red Ferrari barely comes to a screeching stop when I fling the passenger door open and hit the ground running, feeling the hard pavement beneath my racing boots.

I run as my body unexpectedly reacts on its own, now that my panic and adrenaline has fully kicked in. The chill of the breeze whips through the curls of my hair while the air gushes past me when I jump over a small barricade fence, making sure not to trip over the racing suit that hangs around my waist.

Olivia was immediately rushed to the hospital following what happened on track by the FIA paramedics. The world around me froze in that moment as I handed her over to be taken away by the ambulance while her life hung in the balance.

It felt like time itself had stopped, I became so crippled by my emotions. I don't know what I would've done had Charles not quickly acted and offered to take us in his car to follow behind the distant sound of sirens going through the city.

I suppose he too is familiar with tragic experiences and knows firsthand what it means to have the intense fear of possibly losing someone you love dearly. It is a traumatic bond we will share for life.

As I try to navigate my way through the hospital, my thoughts are haunted by our last bittersweet moment together. It plays over and over again in my mind and I can't shake the image of Olivia's vulnerable face before her eyes closed for the last time.

"Where is she?" I demand bursting through the doors. Panic runs deep in my veins as I frantically search for any sign of where they might've taken her. "Someone please tell me," I say running through the hallway of the hospital. I was desperate to be by her side.

A nurse dressed in blue scrubs tries to intervene by stopping me from going any further. "Sir, you can't go through there," she pleads but my desperation consumes me and I ignore her warning and push past her anyway.

"Sir! If you don't stop right now, you're going to leave me no choice but to call security," she warns, her voice laced with frustration.

The few people in the waiting room watch as surprise grows on their faces from the sudden chaos that unfolds in front of them. Charles and Daniel, still in their race suits, appear on the scene after parking the car.

"Olivia?!" I call out. "Olivia where are you?! Tell me where you've taken my girlfriend." My pleads are filled with anguish as they seem to fall on deaf ears.

"That's it, I'm calling security," she says reaching for the phone. Fear grips me as I realise time is slipping away.

"Mademoiselle, please don't call security," Charles interjects speaking heavily out of breath. "We're looking for someone who was just brought in, a young lady. Any information you have would really be a big help. Her name is Olivia Brown."

Daniel helps in trying to hold me back but it only agitates me more.

"Or just take us to her?!" I say in frustration, feeling the helplessness starting to creep up on me.

"Lando come on," Daniel urges with a concerned look on his face. "You need to calm down, she wouldn't want you to lose yourself like this."

His words, sharp as knives, slice through my heart and ignites a frenzy of emotions in me. I push my soon to be ex-teammate hard in the chest, causing him to stumble back. "You don't know what she would've wanted," I scream at him out of anger and despair. "You don't know nothing at all."

The nurse's stern voice breaks through the commotion, "I'm sorry but unless you're family, I can't disclose any information to you. Keep him in check or you'll all be asked to leave."

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