Chapter 1

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth 2015


Hi everyone;

Here it is, the long awaited start of a much anticipated story. You will have to forgive its rough edges as my editor and I have parted ways, which means I am in need of a new editor, with that being said any comments about spelling or grammar will be ignored and deleted.

Anyhoo I hope you enjoy the start of the last planned book of the Twists of Fate series.

Please comment, vote and have fun.

Riddle of Blood

Chapter 1

Captain Ra'lth rubbed tired eyes as she walked into her ready room, a week ago her ship was attacked by cloaked ships, they had gotten away but their ship and some of its crew were badly damaged. Her crew, those who were able, were working double shifts to get the ship back into working order but they simply didn't have the resources to completely overhaul all the damaged systems properly like they needed if they were survive another attack.

Taking a seat she linked her fingers, placed her elbows on the table and rested her forehead on her fingers. Her light blue skin was pale with fatigue and her long narrow ears drooped as well, barely holding back her golden hair or even twitching as the door slid open. Nagrth walked in through the door and sat next to the captain in the first mate chair. Just as exhausted as the captain he placed a work tablet on table and sat back far into the chair and rolled his neck.

Unlike the Captain who was an O'mahti, he was a Tahgahli; they were from the same region of space but different parts. His skin was a light lavender colour with black hair and black freckles ran in a pattern across his face, each member of his race could only be told apart by their different freckle configurations. Slowly the room filled with the ships department heads.

"Captain?" Nagrth said to gain her attention.

With a groan she lifted her head and opened her eyes. Her people's eyes only came in three colours, a deep purple and a rich amber colour unless you were a royal in which case your eyes were always silver, the captain was one of those really rare people who had all three. The right eye was purple; her left eye was amber and there were large flecks of silver in the purple eye, "Okay... report..."

The door suddenly opened and in ran one of the junior officers and everyone turned to him. His lavender skin darkened in embarrassment for a moment, his amber eyes tried not to meet those in the room, before he remembered why he had barged in here. "Forgive me captain; scanners have picked up a space station a few days journey for us at our current top speed."

Ra'lth gestured for him to continue, he bowed his head and walked to the large display screen and placed a work tablet against it. "It is in a geosynchronous orbit of an Elgraah class planet with three moons."

"I thought our scanners were down?" Ra'lth asked as she was positive that the scanners were down.

"I managed to reroute power to the long range scanners and they are working sporadically. I don't have an accurate picture of the space station and planet but I know that they are there and that they have warp capable ships." He explained.

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