Chapter 9

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©CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth


Hi everyone

Welcome to a new year and the second last chapter of riddle of blood, although I have a couple of lost stories to come as well. So... enjoy the chapter, vote, comment and have fun.

Chapter 9

Amy watched as the children walked the decontamination line. I thought they would have put up more of a fight to keep the children, or at least put a price on them.

They may have considered our costs and decided it was an even swap. Wolfgang answered.

Or perhaps a copy of our guide got read and they realised we would never pay for children, Ash added to the mix.

Gruat is a friend of my father, Tahrani stated joining the conversation, they chat often about the welfare of the orphans, my father often covers the shortfall of funds given to them by the council, by taking as many children as we have, we have freed up a heap of resources, also we are treating 'damaged' goods, the cost to them to treat worms is great, to us... it isn't. In fact, ask Reakpaki, the cost to treat worms... is substantial.

Why Reakpaki? Ash asked.

Her house mainly deals with technology, medicine and medical technology, Tahrani answered.

Then why is she our trade master? Wolfgang asked.

Because I am here, if she has any problems she can come to me, she replied. That and my father trusts that you would never give him substandard product.

"So all I have to do is walk the red line?" Reakpaki asked Tahrani not realising she had intruded on a conversation, but Tahrani nodded in response.

"It will remove any contaminates, it is also taking apart the worms the kids have at a microscopic level as well as the eggs."

"Wow," Reakpaki said as she stepped up to the red line to follow a child. Her family tended to trade in technology so she had a very good idea about most technology but she didn't quite understand the technology behind this device. She also knew that her people wouldn't want a device like this; the medical industry would go bankrupt in a day.

Getting to the end of the line she was met by a healer who took her hands and held them for a few moments before nodding and gesturing her to move into the next room. Tahrani grabbed Reakpaki as she too had finished walking the line and walked her off to the ready room many of the family used while the ship was underway.

Tarval sat across from them as they sat at a table. "So, what is a Rgret?" he asked the two women.

"A what?" Myth said as she sat next to him.

"A Rgret, Tahrani said that a Trew could turn into a Rgret if they get a neutral bite from a sabre," Tarval explained as Tahrani willed her Ancient computer into her hands.

"I copied my family's archives," Tahrani replied as she turned the computer on.

Reakpaki turned to Tahrani in shock; she copied all that expensive knowledge.

"Hey, I am a member of the house of Rani; I am allowed to access the archives." Tahrani told her.

Ash sat beside his mate, "She also asked for permission to copy everything and her father allowed it as he knew the archives would be used by us to better understand the Trew," he said as his eyes glanced to Rin who was being shown a game by Beca.

Tahrani brought up everything they knew about Rgret's which was very little, her eyes quickly glanced to Rin before she focused the holographic screen and brought up an image of the only complete and perfectly preserved example of a Rgret. "We know very little about them," she pushed the dome to Myth so that she could have a better look.

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