Chapter 4

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

Authors note: NOT EDITED.

Hi everyone

Here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it and to those west aussies... sorry... I know I submitted this during the Eagles vs Dockers derby.

Vote, comment, have fun and GO EAGLES!

Chapter 4

Amy woke slowly the next day, the opening of the festival hadn't carried on late into the night simply because the tournaments were due to start in the morning and no one wanted to miss that. Wolfgang pulled her close and buried his head into her neck. "Computer time?" Amy asked.

"It is seven in the morning, a wake up request was not set." The computer replied.

Amy rolled over and kissed Wolfgang, "Come on we have to wake up."

"Do we... can't we stay in bed all day?" Just as he finished talking there was a loud thump and crash which caused him to groan and both got out of bed to find out what had happened.

"SAGE!" Wolfgang yelled once he opened the door as he was expecting Sage to be wrestling with someone what he didn't expect to see was a little pale blue/green dragon about the size of a large dog standing in the hallway. "Falling Star?" he asked and the dragon shook its head.

Amy walked out after fixing her robe, she took a moment to sniff the air, "Wave Runner what are you doing up here?"

"And what did you break?" Wolfgang added as he strode pass the little dragon and around the corner to see that a picture had been knocked off the wall and had landed against a statue which had crashed into the ground. Quickly he willed away the broken glass and willed everything back to their original positions. Turning around he walked back and picked up the little dragon to carry her down to the dining hall and return her to her parents.

"Missing someone?" Wolfgang asked as he put Wave Runner into Serenity's arms after they entered the dining room.

Serenity blinked in shock as to date her daughter hadn't managed to shift into her scale form. "Sorry da, this is the first time she's done a full shift. Draykus!"

Draykus stood and walked over to take his daughter from Serenity. Twenty years ago Thais had told them that Serenity would be fertile soon and since that didn't happen often they had jumped at the chance. Wave Runner was the first of their children and they had come to arrangement, they were all her parents. Draykus clamped his hand over his daughter's snout and she tried to shake him free.

"Bastion will never let you come over again if you set fire to the Den," Draykus warned the little dragon as he adjusted how he was holding her. "She will want to eat rocks when we come back," he warned as he walked her out of the room.

Blake walked over to Serenity, "Uncle Thais told me that Dragon's eat rocks, I found these." He offered a box full of them to Serenity.

"Your sister is going to love that you found all these rocks just for her." Serenity said as she took the box and sat them on the table. Pulling Blake close she kissed his forehead. "Don't forget your blood." She added as she pushed him towards the table.

Tahrani yawned as she walked in dressed in a pair of shorts and a shirt. There was good natured jeering as Ash walked in behind her. Ash went to give the room the finger.

"Not in front of the children!" Vivian exclaimed as she clipped Ash behind the head.

"Aw..." Ash complained.

"You should know better," Vivian told him.

"Does Ra'lth know you are here?" Amy asked, to the best of her knowledge all of Ra'lth's people were in housing block 5.

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